68011 - Elements of Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary teacher education (cod. 8540)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will: (a) understand the importance of the Chemistry, not only because it is a central science which enables to understand all the other scientific disciplines, but also because Chemistry is “our everyday life", by showing that it is all around us and in us; (b) understand, by using the comparison between language and Chemistry, the concepts of atom and molecule and know how to use them correctly; (c) be able to apply the scientific method to the observation of reality to explain the "why" and "how" of everyday life; (d) know how to build educational courses addressing topics of Chemistry particularly suitable for developing an interdisciplinary approach, such as water, light, energy; (e) know how to prepare simple experiments to be carried out in the classroom or in the laboratory to accompany the theoretical explanations.

Course contents

The aim of the course is (i) to clarify the concepts of atom and molecule by using a comparison between language and chemistry; (ii) to show that Chemistry gives an answer to many "why" and "how" of the everyday life; (iii) to demonstrate that, despite the common opinion, chemistry is a fascinating discipline strongly related to our everyday life; (iv) to explain that Chemistry (and also science in general) must not be confused with all the harmful effects which derive by a bad use made by men.

Furthermore, because Chemistry is an experimental science, another aim of the course is to show how it is easy to invent or find simple experiments to clarify the addressed theoretical aspects. A teacher, particularly of scientific disciplines, must always remember that it is more useful and exciting "to find out by ourselves" the facts rather than to listen their bare descriptions.

After having examined some of the fundamental concepts which are unavoidable to understand the discipline, during the course specific topics related to everyday life (e.g. light and colours, food, cosmetics, energy, water, etc) will be dealt with. It will also be shown how these topics can be explained in the primary school by use of simple experiments. Because the time available for the course is few, every year it is possible to discuss only some topics which will be chosen accordingly to the interest of the attending students.


Suggested books:

Il Laboratorio di Scienze (Ed.: Margherita Venturi) Collana "I Laboratori", Tecnodid, Napoli, 2006.

Chemistry! Reading and writing the book of nature, Vincenzo Balzani and Margherita Venturi, Royal Society of Chemistry, Gld Edition, London 2014.

Energia, Risorse, Ambiente, Vincenzo Balzani and Margherita Venturi, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2014.

Metodi e strumenti per l'insegnamento della e l'apprendimento della chimica, Laura Cipolla, EdiSES, 2018.

Chemistry for Higher Education, Jan Apotheker, DE GRUYTER, 2018.

A Guidebook of Good Practice for the Pre-Service Training of Chemistry Teachers, edit by Iwona Maciejowska & Bill Byers, 2015.

Lectures notes and handbooks will also be handed in by the person in charge of the course.

Teaching methods

The course will be developed through frontal lessons, discussion and design of simple experiments concerning the themes addressed in the course. Active participation to the lessons will allow each student to consolidate theoretical learning and to see its concrete implications in the contexts of kindergarten and primary school.

Assessment methods

The final exam of ELEMENTI DI CHIMICA ED ECOLOGIA (C.I.) consists in a written test (duration: two hours).

During the written test (120 minutes), the candidate will be asked to produce a teaching unit designed and adapted for pre-primary or primary school students. The topic at the base of the teaching unit will be selected by the teacher among those presented during classes. For A.Y. 23-24 the exam topics will be: the properties of water (capillarity, surface tension and solubility), interaction of light with matter, food and nutrition, the sea, environment and sustainability, biogenic cycles, water pollution, acids and bases, the plant world, air pollution, the colors, the climate changes.

The candidate will approach the topic from the chemical and ecological point of view, with 4 activities minimum, al leat one of them has to be hands-on activity.

Final score based on ../30 (18/30 is considered the minimum to pass the exam); the evaluation of the final product for the Interdisciplinary laboratory of nature Sciences will be included in the final score.

The students are required to complete the online registration (ALMAESAMI) within the terms in order to be admitted to the exam. In case of technical problems the students have to promptly contact the Segreteria Studenti. The teachers will consider the request and decide about the admission.

For non-attending or previous years students, the examination procedure will not differ from the one above described.

ERASMUS INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: written product replacing laboratories

The final exam, as well as the course contests, are the same for Erasmus students and non-Erasmus students. Due to several reasons, however, Erasmus International Students are not requested to take part to any laboratory in order to take the Elements of Biology exam. Conversely, those Erasmus International Students who inserted Elements of Chemistry and Ecology and/or Elements of Physics and Teaching Physics in their study plan will hand in a written series of experimental classes focusing on water, which will replace the laboratories.

The series of experimental classes will target pre-primary or primary school and will have the properties and peculiarities of water as an aim, under different point of view. The proposed activities will be thoroughly described in terms of materials, methods, timing, and so on; we also ask to state learning goals clearly. A written text must be handed in at least 10 days before the examination day and will be assessed by Elements of Chemistry and Ecology and Elements of Physics and Teaching Physics colleagues.

The assessment will affect examination’s score. In case the written text is not handed in, a point will be substracted by the relevant exam grade.



Teaching tools

Personal computer, projector, power-point presentations, educational equipment for laboratory.

Office hours

See the website of Marianna Marchini


Clean water and sanitation Affordable and clean energy Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.