00231 - Criminal Law

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Attilio Nisco
  • Credits: 16
  • SSD: IUS/17
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Attilio Nisco (Modulo 1) Desiree Fondaroli (Modulo 2) Davide Bertaccini (Modulo 3)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9233)

Learning outcomes

Acquisition and in-depth analysis of the problems concerning the constitutional garantees in the criminal law system; learning the lineaments of the general theory of crime and punishment, as well as the structure of the main criminal law concepts referring to the general part of the Penal Code; examination of the special part of the Penal Code and the main issues related to complementary criminal law statutes.

Course contents

The aim of the criminal law course is to explain the nature and purposes of criminal law as well as the relationship between the criminal system and the Constitution. In particular, the constitutional principles, the structure of the criminal offence in its constitutive elements, the forms of manifestation of the crime, the causes of justification and the essential features of the punitive system will be discussed. Finally, the relationship between the general part and the special part, as well as the main provisions of the latter, will be analyzed in class.


1) G. FIANDACA, E. MUSCO, Diritto penale. Parte generale, Zanichelli, Bologna, last ed.;


F. PALAZZO, R. BARTOLI, Corso di diritto penale. Parte generale, Giappichelli, last ed.;


2) S. CANESTRARI, F.CURI, D.FONDAROLI, V. MANES, M.O. MANTOVANI, A. NISCO, S.TORDINI CAGLI, Diritto penale. Percorsi di parte speciale, Giappichelli, 2023.


G. FIANDACA, E. MUSCO, Diritto penale. Parte speciale, I, Zanichelli, Bologna, last ed., limitatamente alle seguenti parti: Introduzione, cap. I (delitti contro la personalità dello Stato), cap. 2 (delitti contro la p.a.), cap. 3 (delitti contro l’amministrazione della giustizia), cap. 5 (delitti contro l’ordine pubblico), cap. 6 (delitti contro l’incolumità pubblica); cap. 7 (delitti contro l'ambiente).

Optional Readings:

- F. SGUBBI, D. FONDAROLI (a cura di), Il “mercato della legge penale”: nuove prospettive in materia di esclusione della punibilità tra profili sostanziali e processuali, Cedam, 2011;

- F. SGUBBI, Il diritto penale totale, Il Mulino, 2019.

- E.R. ZAFFARONI, Diritto penale, in "Ius17@unibo.it - Studi e materiali di diritto penale", Anno IV n. 3/2011, pp. 9-16.

a) For students required to perform a 6-7 CFU integrative activity:

1) S. CANESTRARI, F.CURI, D.FONDAROLI, V.MANES, M.O.MANTOVANI, A.NISCO, S.TORDINI CAGLI, Diritto penale. Percorsi di parte speciale, Giappichelli, 2023.G.


FIANDACA, E. MUSCO, Diritto penale. Parte speciale, I, Zanichelli, Bologna, last ed., , only the following parts: Introduzione, cap. I (delitti contro la personalità dello Stato), cap. 2 (delitti contro la p.a.), cap. 3 (delitti contro l’amministrazione della giustizia), cap. 5 (delitti contro l’ordine pubblico), cap. 6 (delitti contro l’incolumità pubblica); cap. 7 (delitti contro l'ambiente).

b) For students required to perform a 9-10 CFU integrative activity:

1) G. FIANDACA, E. MUSCO, Diritto penale. Parte generale, Zanichelli, Bologna, last ed., only the chapters concerning the attempted offence (delitto tentato) and complicity (concorso di persone);


F. PALAZZO, R. BARTOLI, Corso di diritto penale. Parte generale, Giappichelli, last ed., only the chapters concerning the attempted offence (delitto tentato) and complicity (concorso di persone);


2) S. CANESTRARI, F.CURI, D.FONDAROLI, V.MANES, M.O.MANTOVANI, A.NISCO, S.TORDINI CAGLI, Diritto penale. Percorsi di parte speciale, Giappichelli, 2023;


G. FIANDACA, E. MUSCO, Diritto penale. Parte speciale, I, Zanichelli, Bologna, last. ed., , only the following parts: Introduzione, cap. I (delitti contro la personalità dello Stato), cap. 2 (delitti contro la p.a.), cap. 3 (delitti contro l’amministrazione della giustizia), cap. 5 (delitti contro l’ordine pubblico), cap. 6 (delitti contro l’incolumità pubblica); cap. 7 (delitti contro l'ambiente).

c) 7 CFU for students from CLARA:

1) S. CANESTRARI, F.CURI, D.FONDAROLI, V.MANES, M.O.MANTOVANI, A.NISCO, S.TORDINI CAGLI, Diritto penale. Percorsi di parte speciale, Giappichelli, 2023


G. FIANDACA, E. MUSCO, Diritto penale. Parte speciale, I, Zanichelli, Bologna, ult. ed., only the following parts: Introduzione, cap. I (delitti contro la personalità dello Stato), cap. 2 (delitti contro la p.a.), cap. 3 (delitti contro l’amministrazione della giustizia), cap. 5 (delitti contro l’ordine pubblico), cap. 6 (delitti contro l’incolumità pubblica); cap. 7 (delitti contro l'ambiente)

Teaching methods

Frontal lecture with analysis of case law and interaction with students.

Assessment methods

The final test will be exclusively an oral exam.

The students’ knowledge is assessed through a discussion, to evaluate the actual achievement of the learning outcomes. The exam consists in an interview with the appointed commission on the topics included in the programme.

The assessment will take into account the knowledge of the relevant institutional framework, the ability to analyse doctrinal and jurisprudential opinions and, to single out connections between the relevant topics, to critical reasoning, as well as the clarity of presentation and critical thinking.

By way of example, the following criteria will be used to assign the final mark (that will be out of 30/30):

- knowledge of a very limited number of topics, extensive support by the interviewer to address and answer the questions, basic yet appropriate language à 18-19/30;

- knowledge of a limited number of topics, ability to autonomously address basic legal problems, use of appropriate language → 20-24/30;

- comprehensive knowledge of the programme, ability to autonomously and critically analyse legal problems, use of specific terminology → 25-29/30;

- extensive knowledge of the programme, ability to reason autonomously and critically analyse legal problems, make connections between the topics, ability to master the specific terminology and ability to present legal arguments. → 30-30L/30.

Teaching tools

For each topic both the normative and the practical aspects are considered, with a specific analysis of the most important cases and comparative law remarks.

For areas which cannot be adequately dealt with in class, students are referred to the booklist.

Students are advised to constantly consult the Penal Code both during the lectures and while studying the recommended books.

Office hours

See the website of Attilio Nisco

See the website of Desiree Fondaroli

See the website of Davide Bertaccini


Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.