38809 - The Paradigms of Addictions

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress (cod. 9228)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student:

· Will know the time evolution - of the different representations of the addicted subject and paradigms of reference;

· Will know the nows the theory of normalization and patterns of consumption of marginal consumers and socially integrated ones;

· Will Know the use of psychoactive substances in the minors people and phenomenology of cannabis, cocaine, and alcohol;

· Will Be able to apply this knowledge in prevention projects.

Course contents


The course will offer insights from research activities related to:

1) Substance use during the COVID-19 lockdown, 2) Problematic substance use during the COVID-19 period; 3) Addiction services and innovative methodologies during the COVID-19 lockdown; 4) Synthetic opioids and fentanyl, 5) Overdose death risk and early warning systems, 6) Cannabis social market (social supply), 7) Cannabis self production; 8) the phenomenology of ketamine, 9) the Purple Drank; 10) Suicide and problematic substance use; 11) Stigma and socially integrated substance use; the phenomenology of crack

Course contents

Introduction - COVID-19 and substance use: changes for drug addiction services and for substance users.
One - The evolution of the theoretical framework
1 - Introduction to sociological theories of culture, fashion, deviance, stigma, risk, normalization, social integration, illness and disease
2 - Deviance, pleasure and labeling
3 - The social meaning of substance use and its subculture
4 - The hedonists in the nineties
5- The thesis of normalization
6 - Zimberg and controlled consumption
7 - Marginal and socially integrated substance users

Part Two - The Social Cannabis Market

Cannabis health legalization
Cannabis culture between stigma and normalization
Social supply, purchase, sale and self-production


Three - New targets of consumption
1 - Minors and substance use
2 - Not natives and second generation of migrants
3 -Women and substance use

4 - Phenomenology of alcohol

5 - Phenomenology of cocaine
6 -Phenomenology of heroin
7 - Ketamine
8 - The Purple drank

9 - The crack

Four- New trends
1 - Goods and market
2 - Drug use and economic recession
3 - Socially integrated substance users
4 - The problematic use of illegal substances
5 - The process of alcohol deculturalization
6- Mortality risk for substance users: early warning systems
7 - Synthetic Opioids and Fentanyl
8 - Substance use and suicide risk

Five - Addiction without substances
1 - Gambling
2 - Compulsive shopping
3 - Internet addiction

Six - Research techniques and prevention projects
The use of research in the design of prevention activities
Qauntitative - Research methods and techniques to study the use of psychoactive substances.
Qualitative - Focus group and Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
TEST (SDS, DAST 10, CAGE, Fagerstrom, Fisher, Compulsive Buyng).

Attending students will be offered participation in research activities



Book - “Il consumo socialmente integrato di sostanze illegali: danni, precauzioni, regole e mercato” – di Pavarin RM - Francoangeli Milano marzo 2014

Book - “Il mercato sociale della cannabis. Edonisti, libertari e liberisti” di Pavarin RM CLUEB Bologna 2022

Paper - "Gioco problematico: evidenze empiriche e riflessioni per la prevenzione" - Prisma (2018) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323336451_Gioco_problematico_evidenze_empiriche_e_riflessioni_per_la_prevenzione

Paper - "Heavy episodic drinking: I risultati preliminari del progetto ALLCOOL" Alcologia (2017) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322307242_Heavy_episodic_drinking_I_risultati_preliminari_del_progetto_ALLCOOL

Paper - "La droga dei poveri"  Medicina delle dipendenze -special number on "Il consumo di crack tra miti ed evidenze" september 2023 https://www.medicinadelledipendenze.it/

Recommended reading

Scientific article Pavarin R "Mortality risk for individuals with cannabis use disorders in relation to alcohol use disorders: Results of a follow-up studyPsychiatry Research (2022)

https://www.researchgate.net/journal/Psychiatry-Research-0165-1781] 316(4):114741

Scientific article - Pavarin R. et al, (2020). Mortality Risk among Cocaine Users before and after the Economic Recession:Results of a Longitudinal Study. EUROPEAN ADDICTION RESEARCH, vol. 26, p. 10-19


Scientific article- Pavarin R. et al, (2019). Visits of adolescents for acute alcohol intoxication to emergency departments in Northern Italy: natives and non-natives. JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, vol. 25, p. 118-122


Scientific article - Pavarin R (2016). First consumers, then socially integrated: results of a study on 100 Italian drug users who had never turned to public or private addiction services. SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, vol. 51, p. 892-901


Teaching methods


Research activities

Assessment methods

The assestment onsists of an interview and aims to verify the achievement of the following learning objectives:

In-depth knowledge of information and theoretical approaches mentioned in the program

Ability to use these approaches and information to analyze the evolution of the phenomenon

Ability to interpret the phenomenon under study.

Ability to apply this knowledge in prevention projects.

The examination was held in the form of oral and provides an assessment of thirty. To support the exam registration is required via bulletin board, in compliance with mandatory deadlines.

Teaching tools

Participation in research activities

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Raimondo Maria Pavarin


Good health and well-being Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.