Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress (cod. 9229)

Learning outcomes

The student, at the end of the course must have a knowledge of the main strategies of intervention in various forms of addiction, particularly psychoactive substances addiction, with a view to promoting health and preventing "consumopatia" today targeted at pre-adolescence and adolescence in the first place, with an attention to the psychoeducational projects for addicted. The course will provide theoretical and practical knowledge based to prevent and intervene in an integrated way in the psychopathology of pathological addictions to achieve professional competence necessary for the treatment of pathological dependencies in psychosocial context.

Course contents

At the end of the course, students must have a knowledge of the main reference theories and intervention strategies for the different forms of pathological addiction: psychoactive substances disorders (alcohol, heroin and cocaine) and behaviour addiction (eating disorders, pathological gambling and technological addictions), with the aim of promoting health and preventing today's "consumer disease" in different target users. The course aims to provide the basic theoretical and practical knowledge to prevent and intervene in an integrated way in the psychopathology of pathological addiction in order to achieve the professional competence necessary for prevention, planning of interventions and treatment of pathological addictions.


  • Brief overview on "how to think about substance consumption today" as a theoretical reference paradigm.
  • Promotion of well-being and primary prevention of pathological addictions (examples of strategies to prevent alcohol/drug related problems).
  • Psychopathology in adolescence.
  • Care and rehabilitation in pathological addictions in adulthood: the main intervention strategies "waiting for a solution" more effective.
  • The treatment of cocainism.
  • Therapeutic communities and modified communities for specific targets.
  • The help interview and the motivational interview.
  • The conduction of psychoeducational groups in pathological addictions.
  • The self-help groups.

    Special attention will be paid to the following themes Cocaine / Comorbidity / The group in the treatment of addiction. The technique of the interview in the help relations will be particularly deepened through simulations.


Recommended reading:

Psicologia clinica e psicopatologia per l'educazione e la formazione (2009), Pani R., Biolcati R., Sagliaschi S., Il Mulino, Bologna (Cap. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9).

Cocaina. Consumo, psicopatologia, trattamento (2009), Rigliano P., Bignamini E., Cortina, Milano (Cap. 1, 4, 6, 9).

Quale omogeneità nei gruppi?. Vasta, F. G., Girelli, R., & Gullo, S. (2013). Quale omogeneità nei gruppi. Alpes, Roma (Cap. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 22).

Only for students in ERASMUS program.

  1. Biolcati, Roberta; Passini, Stefano; Pupi, Virginia, The role of video gaming motives in the relationship between personality risk traits and Internet Gaming Disorder «JOURNAL OF GAMBLING ISSUES», 2021, 46, pp. 221 - 241. https://doi.org/10.4309/jgi.2021.46.12
  2. Biolcati, R; Mancini, G; Andrei, F; Trombini, E, Trait emotional intelligence and eating problems in adults: associations with alexithymia and substance use «MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2021, 9, pp. 1 - 16
  3. Biolcati R.; Mancini G.; Villano P., ‘And yet I’m an adult now’. The influence of parental criticism on women’s body satisfaction/dissatisfaction during emerging adulthood «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE AND YOUTH», 2020, 25, pp. 599 - 608

Suggested references:

Eroina. La malattia degli oppioidi nell’era digitale. Giancane S. (2014). Torino: Gruppo Abele.

Un, due, tre stella! Storie di donne e di ordinaria violenza.
Guarini Antonia, 2016, Poiesis (Alberobello).

Le dipendenze senza droghe. Shopping compulsivo, internet e gioco d'azzardo (2006), Pani R., Biolcati R., Utet, Torino.

Le compulsioni psicopatologiche. Tra controllo degli impulsi e dipendenza (2014), Pani R., Sciuto A., FrancoAngeli, Milano.

Dinamiche e strategie del colloquio clinico (2006), Pani R., Sagliaschi S., Carocci, Roma.


Teaching methods

The course will be carried out in an innovative didactic way, in compliance with the objectives and contents reported in the programme. It will start with case studies proposed by the therapeutic communities and services of the Rimini area that work with social distress (pathological addictions in particular), working in group training devices during the lessons. Simulated and project work will be used. Frontal lessons are reduced to a minimum. The study of the texts will be done at home in the logic of the flypped classroom. The theses and the internship will be designed from the beginning to allow a complete and specialized training to work with a given profile of user and / or in a service. Some lessons will be shared with other teachers of the course to work synergistically on specific learning objectives.

For those who choose the course in innovative didactic modality:

- there will be an integration with the teaching of "THEORIES AND METHODS OF DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES" by Prof. Ira Vannini and Prof. Aurora Ricci for the development of a common Project Work to be done in groups that will contribute to the evaluation in the final exam.

- There will be some sessions of analytical psychodrama in integration with the teaching "MODELS AND TECHNIQUES OF INTERVENTION IN COMMUNITY SERVICES" of Prof. Laura Palareti to work on transversal skills (self-reflective ability and reading of the roles played by oneself and others in group interactions in a dynamic setting.

Assessment methods

For students who choose the innovative method:

1. Group project work

2. In-process test on the text: Psicologia clinica e psicopatologia per l'educazione e la formazione (2009), Pani R., Biolcati R., Sagliaschi S., Il Mulino, Bologna (Cap. 3, 5, 8, 9).

3. Oral exam on the text: Cocaina. Consumo, psicopatologia, trattamento (2009), Rigliano P., Bignamini E., Cortina, Milano (Cap. 1, 4, 6, 9)

For students who do NOT choose the innovative method:

Oral exam with 3 questions on the texts of the bibliography to take the exam.


For students in ERASMUS program.

Oral exam with 3 questions, 1 per research paper:

  1. Biolcati, Roberta; Passini, Stefano; Pupi, Virginia, The role of video gaming motives in the relationship between personality risk traits and Internet Gaming Disorder «JOURNAL OF GAMBLING ISSUES», 2021, 46, pp. 221 - 241. https://doi.org/10.4309/jgi.2021.46.12
  2. Biolcati, R; Mancini, G; Andrei, F; Trombini, E, Trait emotional intelligence and eating problems in adults: associations with alexithymia and substance use «MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2021, 9, pp. 1 - 16
  3. Biolcati R.; Mancini G.; Villano P., ‘And yet I’m an adult now’. The influence of parental criticism on women’s body satisfaction/dissatisfaction during emerging adulthood «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE AND YOUTH», 2020, 25, pp. 599 - 608

Teaching tools

Slides, videos and practical exercises.

Office hours

See the website of Roberta Biolcati


Good health and well-being Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.