81837 - Psychological Processes of Social Exclusion and Mediation

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress (cod. 9229)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student:

- knows the main psychological theories relating to the themes of social exclusion, marginalization, interpersonal and intergroup relationships;

- knows the main psychosocial theories of conflicts between groups;

- knows the main characteristics, psychological dynamics and skills relating to the figure of the mediator applied to various areas (cultural, family, social);

- knows how to plan educational interventions in the field of mediation;

- has the theoretical and methodological skills to build a network with different professional figures;

- is able to activate exchanges with social and cultural structures in the construction of mediation projects;

- will be able to operationally manage an intervention on social inclusion and mediation

- will know how to manage a training course for mediators and educators who work in the field of marginalization;

- is able to evaluate a mediation intervention;

- knows how to coordinate and direct the work of mediators and educational figures who work in the field of marginalization and social exclusion;

- will know how to manage communication on an interpersonal and group level;

- knows how to work in a team;

- will be able to apply the methods and psychological skills acquired to self-training;

- knows the tools to evaluate the psychosocial and educational aspects of their work in the field of mediation, exclusion and social inclusion.

Course contents

The course will be divided into two parts: the first will address the themes of social exclusion, ostracism and social rejection, precursors of inequality, manifest social conflicts and prejudices. The topics will be treated from the point of view of social and community psychology, focusing on the underlying processes and on the psychological consequences that social exclusion can have on people.

The second part, on the other hand, will be dedicated specifically to the genesis of conflicts and to the deepening of the mediation process understood as a preventive practice before conflict arises; moreover, contributions of community psychology for intervention on marginalization through the promotion of participation and empowerment will be examined.

Among the specific contents addressed in the course students will address the following:

1) definition and distinction of the concepts of social exclusion, ostracism and social rejection;
2) the explanations and psychological consequences of these processes;
3) types (sexism, homo-lesbo-bi-trans-aphobia, racism, classism, ableism) and areas in which exclusion operates (in discourses, moral exclusion ..)
4) definition of conflicts and extreme conflicts (sociological approach to conflict)
5) theoretical clarification of the concept of culture / cultures
6) theories and theoretical frameworks of the mediation process (what it is, the models in stages, the prejudices that intervene in the mediation setting)
7) professional role of those who mediates and the techniques used in the management of a mediation setting

8) participative and community-based strategies for social inclusion (ex., participative action research, social justice engagement, community organizing)


Bibliography for the exam:

  1. Villano, P. (2013) Fuori dai giochi. La psicologia sociale di fronte all’esclusione. Milano, Pearson.
  2. Villano, P. (2013) Pregiudizi e stereotipi. Roma, Carocci.
  3. Giudice, E., & Ritorto, S. (2022). La gestione del conflitto (Cap. 1, 2, 3). Roma, Carocci.
  4. Articles and documents to download from the course space on the platform Virtuale (TO BE DETERMINED)

Erasmus students are kindly asked to contact the professor to define English-language alternatives.

Teaching methods

The course adheres to the innovative teaching approach of the degree program, while respecting the objectives and contents outlined in the syllabus.

The innovative teaching approach includes role-playing and simulation activities, flipped classroom sessions, case study analysis and project work in groups. Students will be asked to study the course texts in specified time periods and discuss them in class. 

There will be an integration with the course of "THEORIES AND METHODS OF DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES" by Prof. Ira Vannini and Prof. Aurora Ricci for the development of a common Project Work in groups which will contribute to the evaluation in the final exam.

The course also follows a hybrid teaching model, integrating both in-person and online distance learning activities. The distance learning component (8 hours) will be dedicated to case studies and seminars with experts/operating professionals, in integration with the course of the same title held in Bologna by prof. Paola Villano. The hybrid module will aim to facilitate dialogue and collaboration with experts/professionals and with peers for critical reflection on the analyzed issues and on the needs emerging in diverse territorial contexts, paying attention to existing limits and opportunities.

Assessment methods

ATTENDING STUDENTS who choose the innovative teaching experimentation:

  1. Interim test on the topics of the text: Villano, P. (2013). Fuori dai giochi. La psicologia sociale di fronte all’esclusione (Cap. 1-4)
  2. Oral exam on the text Giudice, E., & Ritorto, S. (2022). La gestione del conflitto (Cap. 1 e 3) and chosen articles.
  3. Project work in groups / discussion on personal professional experience / 2 scientific articles on a topic of choice



Oral exam with open questions on the entire bibliography for the exam

Teaching tools

Classes will be conducted with the help of PowerPoint slides to illustrate concepts and research data.
Video, films and online quiz could also be used.

At certain times of group work, it may be useful for students to have personal laptops or tablets at their disposal.

The hybrid teaching model will use Microsoft Teams for online meetings.

The platform Virtuale will be used for shared learning material. Office 265 and OneDrive can be used for collaboration on documents.

Additional readings will be provided according to students' interests.

Office hours

See the website of Iana Ivanova Tzankova


No poverty Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.