84304 - Posturology and Movement

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Lisa Berti
  • Credits: 1
  • SSD: MED/34
  • Language: English
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 9210)

Learning outcomes

Describe the basic elements of the physical examination and instrument-assisted evaluation, and recognize normal results.

Course contents

Movement and postural evaluation

Gait analysis



I.A: Kapandii "Physiology of the Joints"

J. Perry "Gait analysis"

Shultz, Houglum, Perrin "Examination of Musculoskeletal Injuries" 4th Edition

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons using Power Point presentations

Assessment methods

The final examination consists of a written or oral test in which the student will discuss mainly two different topics taken from the program. As part of the interview, questions will also be asked to evaluate the depth of the knowledge on the two topics and on other topics of the program, the critical thinking ability that links together different aspects of knowledge and the achievement of a comprehensive understanding of the topics addressed in class.

The exam will be considered passed if the student has demonstrated sufficient knowledge in each topic.

The student’s ability to move across the various topics.The program will be also evaluated. The student’s achievement of a comprehensive view of the topics addressed in class, together with their critical thought, the ability to make associations, the demonstration of rich and intelligible expression and use of specialist’s language will be evaluated with scores of excellence. The final grade is achieved by mean of partial scores.

Teaching tools

Slides and videos


Office hours

See the website of Lisa Berti