30847 - Psychopathology of the Life Cycle

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Pedagogy - Science of education (cod. 9206)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student has knowledge and skills related to the methodologies of educational intervention in the context of pedagogical advice aimed at individuals and groups. Specifically: - has knowledge on the role of psychological factors intra and interindividual in relation to the development of the individual during the life cycle; - has knowledge on the determinants involved in the development of forms of discomfort and psychological disorder, from the perspective of risk and protection factors; - has knowledge of the characteristics of preclinical discomfort situations and specific psychopathological frameworks, frequently observed in educational and school contexts in preschool and school age; - acquire skills related to psychoeducational assessment and intervention tools to frame and prevent such situations of discomfort; - acquire skills related to the working methods that can be used both within the class group and in collaboration with other professionals for the development of the well-being of the individual at preschool and school age.

Course contents

1. Key elements of the individual’s psychological development in the life cycle: primary relationships and emotional development

2. Emotional intelligence and its role in the life cycle

3.Psychological disorders in childhood: psychosomatic disorders, regulation and attachment disorders, anxiety disorders and mood disorders

4.Graphic narrative techniques in psychoeducational contexts

5. Evaluation tools and support in the psycho-educational contexts

6.Psychopathology of adolescence: affects and evolutionary tasks, aggression, eating disorders and use of new technologies


-Tambelli R. Manuale di Psicopatologia dell'Infanzia(2017) Il Mulino( Chapt.1-2-4-6-7

-Lancini, M., Cirillo, L., Scodeggio, T., & Zanella, T. (2020). L'adolescente: Psicopatologia e Psicoterapia evolutiva. R. Cortina.( Chapt. 1-2-4-7-8)

-MANCINI G., TROMBINI E. (2017). Intelligenza Emotiva. Teoria, ricerca e intervento nei contesti psico-educativi. CLUEB, Bologna(Chapt. 1-2-5-6)

- Scafidi Fonti M.G., La Grutta S., Trombini E (a cura di) (2015). Elementi di Psicodiagnostica. Aspetti teorici e tecnici della valutazione. Franco Angeli, Milano (Chapt.. 10, 11, 18, 19, 20)

Teaching methods

Lectures, videos, practical activities in the classroom

Assessment methods

The exam will consist of an oral interview and the assessment will be expressed in thirtieth. It will start from a topic chosen by the student.

During the interview will be evaluated the level of knowledge of the topics scheduled, the level of mastery of technical language and the ability of the student to develop an autonomous reasoning aimed at the application of theoretical knowledge according to the following criteria:

Excellent outcome 30-30 cum laude (ECTS grade A-A+ excellent): excellent knowledge of the topics, excellent language properties, excellent analytical skills; the student is able to apply theoretical knowledge to concrete situations of which the solution is proposed, assuming also multiple alternatives

Very good outcome 27-29 (ECTS grade B very good): good knowledge of the topics, good language properties, good analytical ability; the student is able to apply the theoretical knowledge to concrete cases of which the solution is proposed

Good outcome 24-26 (ECTS grade C Good): basic knowledge of the main topics, discrete language properties, the student shows a limited ability to apply theoretical knowledge to concrete cases of which the solution is proposed

Satisfactory outcome 21-23 (ECTS grade D satisfactory): the student does not have full mastery of the main subjects of teaching, even if they possess the basic knowledge; however, it shows satisfactory language properties although with a poor ability to adequately apply the acquired theoretical knowledge

Sufficient Outcome 18-20 (ECTS grade E sufficient): minimum knowledge of the main topics of teaching and technical language, very little or no ability to adequately apply the acquired theoretical knowledge

Insufficient outcome 1-17 (ECTS grade F Fail): the student or the student does not have an acceptable knowledge of the contents of the different topics in the program. Very little or no ability to use the specific language of the discipline and to apply the acquired knowledge independently. Exam not passed.

Teaching tools

Multimedia content
References Bibliographies: Scientific articles
Exercises on objective and graphic evaluation tools

Office hours

See the website of Marco Andrea Piombo