30993 - Fundamentals of Construction Technique T

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Emanuele Maiorana
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: ICAR/09
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Environmental Engineering (cod. 9198)

Learning outcomes

The course aims at providing the student with the abilities necessary for the conception and the design of structural systems suitable for civil buildings (steel structures, reinforced concrete structures, timber structures, masonry structures and foundation systems), with specific reference to the structural design process, the analysis of structural systems, the safety verifications, the constructive details and the contents of the current technical codes.

Course contents


A prior knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of statics, mass geometry, structural mechanics and geotechnics is required to attend with profit this course. In particular, the student should know the concepts of force, moment, restraints, static moment, inertia moment, stress, strain, constitutive relationship, equilibrium, congurence, internal actions, cross-section analysis according to De Saint Venant, Mohr's circles, coesion, friction, bearing capacity of the soil, active and passive earth pressure.

This knowledge is usually acquired by passing the exams of Scienza delle Costruzioni (Structural Mechanics) and Geotecnica (Geotechnics).

Fluent spoken and written Italian is a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures and tutorials, and all study material will be in Italian.


What is a structure?

The structural design process.

The framework of the current technical codes (Italian codes and Eurocodes).

Properties of construction materials (concrete, steel, wood, aluminium, ...).

The actions upon the structures.

The verification methodologies: the allowable stress method and the limit state method.

Brief notes on the conceptual approach to structural design and the analysis methods, the path of loads towards the ground, The system of vertical-resisting elements (systems of beams and columns), The system of lateral-resisting elements (bracing systems, pendular systems and moment-resisting frames).

Frequent structural typologies (frame building structures, one-storey industrial buildings, floor solutions, covering, stairs, ...).

Brief review of "Theory of Structures".

Isostatic structures.

Hyperstatic structures: the congruence method and the equilibrium method, the auxiliary restraints method, the Cross method, examples and brief notes on the automatic codes.

Steel structures: deformability, strength, buckling, brief notes on bolted and welded connections.

Brief notes on timber structures.

Reinforced concrete structures: flexure, shear and combined actions.

Brief notes on masonry structures (if time permits).

Brief notes on foundation systems: shallow foundation systems and deep foundation systems.

Brief notes on the calculation of bulkheads (if time permits).


- P. Pozzati, C. Ceccoli, 1977, "Teoria e tecnica delle strutture", UTET.
- E. Giangreco, 2002, "Ingegneria delle strutture", UTET.
- J. Heyman, 1998, "Structural analysis. A historical approach", Cambridge University Press.
- O. Belluzzi, 1965, "Scienza delle Costruzioni", Zanichelli Editore.
- R. Giannini, 2011, "Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni Civili", Citta' Studi Edizioni.
- M. Mezzina, 2021, "Fondamenti di Tecnica delle Costruzioni", 2nd edition, Citta' Studi Edizioni.

- G. Ballio, F.M. Mazzolani, C. Bernuzzi, R. Landolfo, 2020, "Strutture di acciaio: Teoria e progetto", 2nd edition, Hoepli.
- G. Ballio, F.M. Mazzolani, 1979, "Strutture in acciaio", reprint 2007, Hoepli.
- G. Ballio, C. Bernuzzi, 2004, "Progettare costruzioni in acciaio", Hoepli.
- N. Scibilia, 2005, "Progetto di strutture in acciaio", 4th edition, Dario Flaccovio Editore.
- V. Nunziata, 2000, "Teoria e pratica delle strutture in acciaio", 2 edition, Dario Flaccovio Editore.
- F. Hart, W. Henn, H. Sontag, 1982, "Architettura Acciaio Edifici Civili", 2 ed., FINSIDER Group IRI (italian language FINSIDER edition of the book "Stahlbauatlas-Geschossbauten", 2 edition, published by the Institut fur Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation, Munchen).
From the technical-scientific series for the design of steel structures, by ITALSIDER:
- L.F. Donato, L. Sanpaolesi, 1970, "Gli acciai e la sicurezza delle ", Volume I.
- L. Finzi, E. Nova, 1971, "Elementi strutturali", Volume IV.
- D. Danieli, F. De Miranda, 1971, "Strutture in acciaio per l'edilizia civile e industriale", Volume VI.

- M. Piazza, R. Tomasi, R. Modena, 2005, "Strutture in legno", Hoepli.
- G. Giordano, 1999, "Tecnica delle costruzioni in legno", Hoepli.

- R. Walther, M.Miehlbradt, 1990, "Progettare in calcestruzzo armato", Hoepli.
- L. Santarella, 1998, "Il cemento armato", 22a ediz., Hoepli.
- A. Ghersi, 2005, "Il cemento armato: dalle tensioni ammissibili agli stati limite: un approccio unitario", Dario Flaccovio Editore.
- E. Cosenza, G. Manfredi, M. Pecce, 2008, "Strutture in cemento armato: basi della progettazione", Hoepli.

- L. Boscotrecase, F. Picarreta, 2006, "Edifici in muratura in zona sismica", Dario Flaccovio Editore.

- R. Lancellotta, J. Calavera, 1999, "Fondazioni", McGraw-Hill.
- C. Viggiani, 1999, "Fondazioni", Hevelius Edizioni.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons mainly at the blackboard (occasional use of Power-Point slides).
Numerical applicative examples at the blackboard.
Technical visits to labs and external companies.

Assessment methods

Achievements will be assessed by a final oral exam. In general, three questions:

1. analysis of a isostatic or hyperstatic structure

2. safety verification of a structural element

3. design process, actions, materials, conceptual structural design, foundations, ...

The oral test is aimed at checking if the student has understood the subject in its theoretical aspects and if they are able to apply what studied in specific practical contexts.

To obtain a passing grade, students are required to at least demonstrate a sufficient knowledge of the key concepts of the subject. Higher grades will be awarded to students who demostrate a full and organic understanding of the subject, a high ability for critical application, an independent operative capacity to solve complex exercises and problems. A falling grade will be awarded if the student shows knowledge gaps in key concepts of the subject and/or inappropriate use of technical language.

Teaching tools

Possible lecture-notes supplied by the teacher.
Power-Point presentations.
Exercises solved by past-years students.
Notes from past-years students.

Office hours

See the website of Emanuele Maiorana


Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.