72802 - Bridge Design M

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

The course aims at providing the student with the abilities necessary for the conception and the design of bridges structures, with specific reference to the identification of the resisting mechanisms, the actions, the analysis methods, the sizing criteria for the superstucture, the piers and the accessory devices.

The course is completed by the activities developed in the LABORATORY OF BRIDGE DESIGN M.

Course contents


A prior knowledge and understanding of the concepts of structural mechanics, construction techniques and geotechnics is required to attend with profit this course. In particular, the student should be really conversant with structural design.

This knowledge is usually acquired by passing the exams of Scienza delle Costruzioni (Structural Mechanics), Teoria delle Strutture (Theory of Structures), Tecnica delle Costruzioni (Building Techniques), Calcolo Automatico delle Strutture (Computational Structural Mechanics), Progetto di Strutture (Design of Structures), Geotecnica (Geotechnics).

Fluent spoken and written Italian is a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures and tutorials, and study material will be in Italian. Part of the study material will be given in English.


- Criteria of bridges classification; basics of statics (comparison beam vs arch); historical excursus of bridges construction

- Italian rules for bridges design; the actions on bridges; the traffic loads; coactive states and distorsions; brief notes about the geotechnical and the hydraulic issues

- Design criteria for bridge decks: detalied analysis of the R.C. slabs; brief notes about orthtotropic decks

- Criteria of point loads distribution (Courbon-Albenga method, Massonet-Bares method, brief notes about Folded-Plates theory)

- Influence lines theory

- Design criteria for beams, girders, box girders, trusses

- Prestressed concrete beams

- Composite beams

- Fatigue verifications

- Seismic design of bridges

- Statics of arch bridges

The lectures are integrated by exercises about design of superstructure details of a composite beams bridge deck or a prestressed concrete beams bridge deck.


All the textbooks indicated below constitute in-depth readings of what will be explained during the lectures.
The teacher himself will indicate the specific chapters of the specific textbooks where to find the best explanations of each topic.

- G. Albenga, "I ponti", Vol. I e II, Ed. UTET, Torino, 1953
- E.C. Hambly, "Bridge Deck Behaviour", Ed. Chapman & Hall, London, II ed., 1991
- E. Siviero, Il progetto del ponte, Ed. Coll. Ingg. Prov. Padova, Padova, 1994
- M.P. Petrangeli, "Progettazione e costruzione di ponti", IV ed., Ed. Masson, Milano, 1997
- F. Martinez, "Ponti e viadotti: concezione, progetto, analisi, gestione", Ed. Pitagora, Bologna, 2000
- M. Cavalieri, A. Cavalieri, "Ponti: Analisi- Progettazione-Dimensionamento", Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 2006
- A. Barocci, "La sicurezza dei ponti stradali esistenti", Maggioli Editore, 2020

- F. Leonhardt, "C.a. e c.a.p. Calcolo di progetto e tecniche costruttive. I ponti", Ed. Tecniche Milano, Milano, 1979
- T.Y. Lin, N.H. Burns, "Design of prestressed concrete structures", Wiley, 1982
- C. Cestelli Guidi, "Cemento armato precompresso", Ed. Hoepli, Milano, 1987
- R. Walther, M.Miehlbradt, "Progettare in calcestruzzo armato", Ed. Hoepli, 1990
- L. Santarella, "Il cemento armato", 22a ediz., Ed. Hoepli, 1998
- L. Goffi, P. Marro, "Appunti sul Cemento armato precompresso", CLUT editrice, Torino, 1998
- J. Schlaich et al., "Concrete Box-Girder Bridges", Ed. IABSE, Zurich, 1982
- A.C. Liebenberg, "Concrete Bridges: Design and Construction", Ed. Longman Scientific Technical, Harlow, 1994

- G. Ballio, F.M. Mazzolani, C. Bernuzzi, R. Landolfo, "Strutture di acciaio: Teoria e progetto", 2a edizione, Hoepli, 2020
- R. Wolchuk, "Design Manual for Orthotropic Steel Plate Deck Bridges", American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), Chicago, 1963
- A. Pugsley, "The Theory of Suspension Bridge", Ed. Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., London, 1968
- N.J. Gimsing, "Cable Supported Bridges. Concept & Design", Ed. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 1998

- M. Piazza, R. Tomasi, R. Modena, "Strutture in legno", Ed. Hoepli, 2005

- O. Belluzzi, "Scienza delle costruzioni", Vol. II, Ed. Zanichelli, Bologna, 1966
- P. Pozzati, "Teoria e tecnica delle strutture", Vol. I (1972) e Vol. II (1977) Ed. UTET, Torino
- Autori vari, "Manuale di Ingegneria Civile", Volume II, Ed. Zanichelli/ ESAC, Bologna, 1991
- M. Mezzina, 2021, "Fondamenti di Tecnica delle Costruzioni", 2a edizione, Citta' Studi Edizioni
- A. Luongo, M. Ferretti, S. Di Nino, 2022, "Stabilità e biforcazione delle strutture - Sistemi statici e dinamici", Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons mainly at the blackboard (occasional use of Power-Point slides).
Numerical applicative examples at the blackboard.
Technical visits to labs and external companies.

Assessment methods

Achievements will be assessed by a final oral exam. In general, two or three questions:

1. applicative exercises regarding the structural behaviour of arches, structures under moving loads, creep effects, ....

2. analysis and design criteria for several types of bridges

3. design process, actions, materials, conceptual structural design, foundations, ...

Necessary condition to access the oral exam is to have successfully completed the design activity of LABORATORY OF BRIDGE DESIGN M (i.e. the calculation report, the techinical drawings and the study of the construction details of a composite beams bridge deck or a prestressed concrete beams bridge deck).

The oral test is aimed at checking if the student has understood the subject in its theoretical aspects and if they are able to apply what studied in specific practical contexts.

To obtain a passing grade, students are required to at least demonstrate a sufficient knowledge of the key concepts of the subject. Higher grades will be awarded to students who demostrate a full and organic understanding of the subject, a high ability for critical application, an independent operative capacity to solve complex exercises and problems. A falling grade will be awarded if the student shows knowledge gaps in key concepts of the subject and/or inappropriate use of technical language.

Teaching tools

Possible lecture-notes supplied by the teacher.
Power-Point presentations.

Office hours

See the website of Stefano Silvestri


Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.