81489 - Holistic Nursing

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8474)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student possesses the basic knowledge for a nursing management of holistic practices and complementary therapies integrated with care pathways and oriented towards well-being and the development of human potential

Course contents

Historical foundations of holistic nursing: the concept of holism; the cultural role of the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) in the core of holistic nursing;

Complementary nursing care: historical aspects; concept of complementarity with respect to official care; value connotations and different approaches based on the various existing state-of-the-art models;

Hospitalization and spirituality: The care approach to the spiritual need of the client within the care setting. Reflection on the concept of spirituality applied to the sick person included in the path of care and taking charge;

The Scientific Framework of Holistic Nursing: Theory of Human Caring J. Watson Theory of Diversity and Universality of Nursing M. Leininger;

Relationship and communication as care tools: the importance of the nurse's communication and relational skills. Concept of therapeutic agreement and "sick traveler";

Relationship between the assisted person's culture and perception of pain: broaden multicultural knowledge, in order to be able to deal appropriately with pain management, in relation to different cultural peculiarities;

Nursing the person with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM);

Hypnotic communication in nursing practice: cultural approach and technical-methodological aspects;

Malignant social psychology and care relationship: antithesis between the concept of beneficence vs actions that intentionally pursue the good of the assisted, but which turn out to be fallacious and demeaning with respect to the enhancement of the individual.

Some lessons will take advantage of the presence of experts in the subject


Burrai F., Holistic Nursing, L'Espresso Group, Milan (2011);

Brambilla. G, O. Xhyheri et al., Female Genital Mutilation. Women culture bioethics. IF PRESS. (2010);

Bissolo G; Fazzi L; Gianelli M.V “Care relationships. Introduction to Malignant Social Psychology". Carocci Faber;

D'Innocenzo M. et al; IPASVI: “Guidelines for a higher education path. Nursing and complementary care”, Rome 2002;

Pilgrims. W, The Roots of the Future. human caring; pass through the heart the sense of nursing science. Scientific Medical Editions. Turin (2010);

Pozzer F; Corr. De Bernardo MG: Degree thesis in Nursing, University of Padua "The nurse and the treatment of the spiritual need of the hospitalized patient: a literature review", AY 2015/2016.

Teaching methods

Interactive frontal lessons with projection of contents in slides.

Assessment methods

Written test with two open questions. There is no ongoing evaluation.

Non-admission to exams if absences > 25% (6 hours). In case of more than six hours of absence, the completion of a supplementary thesis will be requested.

Teaching tools

copy slides

Office hours

See the website of Luca Venturini