74876 - Rural Appraisal

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Animal Production (cod. 8882)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is able to deal with professional problems related to the economic evaluation of economic and environmental goods related to agro-zootechnical activities. The disciplinary principles of the discipline will also be addressed in critical terms to be adapted to emerging issues. In particular, the student is able to: - estimate the rustic funds and the buildings; - estimate of land improvements; - the estimate of the damage; - estimates in the public expropriation; Legal estimates; The estimation of the agricultural and agro-industrial companies; The evaluation of environmental assets

Course contents

Introduction to the Estimation.
The nature of the estimate and the meaning of value.
Agricultural activities and agricultural enterprises. The structural elements of the farm, land and agricultural capital. The Serpierian paradigm and the equation of the outcome. The farm's balance sheet and the analysis of individual items for the determination of corporate income.
Principles of the Estimation. Objectivity and Subjectivity of Estimated Value. Estimator criteria and "most likely market value". The principle of ordinarity. Ordinary, abstract and concrete entrepreneur.
Estimating methods. The analytical estimate and the synthetic estimate of rustic funds. Landmarketing.
Estimates of rural buildings. The estimation of the farm production. The estimate of the damage.
Estimating problems for zootechnical enterprises.
Financial mathematics.
The interest, the upright, the anticipation and the postponement. Capitalization and initial and final accumulation of anticipated or deferred shares. Calculation of amortization and reintegration rates.


Trattato di Estimo

Maurizio Michieli, Giovanni battista Cipollotti, -

Generale, immobiliare, agrario, forestale, ambientale, legale.

8° edizione - Edagricole, 2018

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises using computer tools

Assessment methods

The verification will be carried out only at the end of the lessons and consists of two tests:

  1. A written test with the aim of verifying whether the student student has acquired the basic skills to be able to draw up an estimate
  2. An oral test to verify the knowledge and mastery of the notions imparted

Teaching tools

  1. Use of slides on computer support
  2. Use of the IOL platform for the execution of exercises and documentation for educational insightst.

Office hours

See the website of Piero Augusto Nasuelli


No poverty Zero hunger Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.