75286 - Physiotherapeutic Techniques - (IM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Physiotherapy (cod. 8476)

Course contents

clinical reasoning and terapeutic exercise on patients, insights on principal physioterapic methods and analisys of models of interaction with patients.


Task oriented practice

bobath concept

riabilitazione neurocognitiva 

guided interaction- affolter method


mirror therapy


motor relearning programm

insight on robotics


Giuseppe Monari: "Facilitazioni neurocinetiche progressive". Edi-ermes

Bobath Concept: Theory and Clinical Practice in Neurological Rehabilitation. Sue Raine, Linzi Meadows, Mary Lynch-Ellerington. Wiley-Blackwell. 2009

The Bobath concept in adult neurology. Gjelsvik BE, Syre L. 2016

A motor relearning programme for stroke. J.H.Carr, R.B.Sheperd

InteraMente: Alla scoperta del cervello nel recupero post ictus. V. Sarmati, 2020

Rieducazione Motoria nell'emiplegico. C. Perfetti

Teaching methods

frontal lectures, practical training with supervision 

Assessment methods

oral examination

Office hours

See the website of Nicolò Schiavo