76048 - Clinical Pathology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Podiatry (cod. 8479)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the unit students have the ability to understand blood coagulation mechanisms and related laboratory tests; they are able to correctly interpret blood, liver and urinary lab tests values.

Course contents

- Laboratory tests for the diagnosis of diabetes. Classification of diabetes; main pathophysiological features of diabetes; laboratory tests for the diagnosis and for the follow-up of diabetic patients.

- Laboratory tests for the diagnosis of coagulation disorders. The principal phases of the hemostatic process; laboratory tests for the evaluation of platelet function and coagulation cascade.

- Laboratory tests for the diagnosis of hepatic disorders. Serum enzymes indicative of cytolysis and cholestasis; albumin/globulin ratio; coagulation factors.

- Laboratory tests for the diagnosis of renal system disorders. Urine analysis: physical, chemical and microscopic examination.

- Other laboratory tests. complete blood count (CBC);VES; PCR; Serum proteins;


Suggested for consultation:

- Marcello Ciaccio e Giuseppe Lippi: Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio. Terza edizione, 2020 EdiSES Università S.r.l. - Napoli.

- Italo Antonozzi e Elio Gulletta: Medicina di Laboratorio: Logica & Patologia Clinica. Terza edizione, 2019 Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A. Padova.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons for 8 hours (1 CFU)

Assessment methods

Written test.

The written test will consist of 4-choice questions. Students will be asked 16 questions. For each question, only one answer will be correct. The test must be completed in 25 minutes. There will be no penalty for blank or wrong answers. Marks: by correctly answering all the questions the Student will achieve 30L; with one wrong answer: 30/30; with two wrong answers: 29/30; and so on.

The final examination aims to assess that the student has acquired the fundamental notions for a critical evaluation and interpretation of the results of the main clinical laboratory tests.

Teaching tools

The slides shown during the lessons are available at the Web site: https://virtuale.unibo.it/ Username e password are reserved to students of Bologna University.

Office hours

See the website of Carla Renata Arciola


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