- Docente: Paola Galetti
- Credits: 6
- SSD: M-STO/01
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in
History and Oriental Studies (cod. 8845)
Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Geography and Territorial Processes (cod. 0971)
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History and Oriental Studies (cod. 8845)
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World (cod. 8855)
from Nov 08, 2023 to Dec 19, 2023
Course contents
Part I: The Historiography; Sources and methods to study settlements history; the critical analysis and the exegesis of the sources.
Part II: The man and the environment: a diachronic outline // The City and the Country: a diachronic outline. The West and the Est // Medieval public and private Architectures,The castles // Routes and environment between West and East // Nomadic peoples.
I Semester, II cycle
The modalities for the execution of the course will follow the indication of the University and the Department.
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9.00-11.00, aula D, Via Zamboni 34
- November 8, 2023.
Bibliography for attending students:
- P. GALETTI, Uomini e case nel Medioevo tra Occidente e Oriente, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2020.
- C.TOSCO, Il paesaggio come storia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007
- P.GALETTI, Strutture territoriali e insediative della Romania tra tarda Antichità e alto Medioevo, in Una terra antica. Paesaggi e insediamenti nella Romania dei secoli V-XI, a cura di P.GALETTI, Firenze, All'Insegna del Giglio, 2021, pp.13-25 (open access).
- E.SERENI, Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2020 (I°,1961).
It also requested the knowledge of the themes presented during the lessons
Not-attending students also have to study:- T.STICKLER, Gli Unni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007; or M.ROSSABI, I Mongoli, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015 ; or GAGLIARDI (a cura di), Questo nomade nomade mondo. La necessità del viaggio tra medioevo e età moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011; or XINRU LIU, L.NORENE SHAFFER, Le vie della seta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013; or E.ORLANDO, Medioevo migratorio. Mobilità, contatti e interazioni in Italia nei secoli V-XVI, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2022; or D.BALOUP,D.BRAMOUILLE', B.DOUMERC, B.JOUDIOU, I mondi mediterranei nel Medioevo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020; or R.RAO, I paesaggi dell'Italia medievale, Roma, Carocci, 2015; or A.CORTONESI, Il Medioevo degli alberi. Piante e paesaggi d'Italia (secoli XI-XV), Roma, Carocci, 2022; or A.A.SETTIA, Castelli medievali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017; or Medioevo fantastico. L'invenzione di uno stile nell'architettura tra fine '800 e inizio '900, a cura di A.Chavarria Arnau, G.Zucconi, Firenze, All'Insegna del Giglio, 2016.
Teaching methods
The course is based on lessons in which will be given a general presentation of some more specific historiographic themes and will be proposed in-depth analysis of some specific peculiarities of different typologies of written and material sources. In addition to that will be proposed a study focused on the analysis of different sources.
Since the lessons are held in the computer Lab, attendance requires prior participation in Modules 1 and 2 of training on the safety of the places of study.
Assessment methods
Students who attend at least 75% the lessons are considered to be attending.
The 6CFU course can be chosen as a part of the 12CFU, Integrated Course "Economia, società, sistemi insediativi", L.M. Scienze storiche e orientalistiche. If the student has the Integrated Course (12CFU) in his/her study plan, the final grade will result from the arithmetic average of the marks obtained in the two parts of I.C. 12CFU.
Testing phase is focused only on the final examination, which consists in an oral exam.
The examination is aimed at verifying the achievement of the expected knowledge and skills: interdisciplinary knowledge of evolution of settlement systems and their material reality; effective communication both of the general contents and of the proposed in-depth studies.
An evaluation with grades of excellence is envisaged taking into consideration: - the mastery both of the contents proposed during the lessons and of the bibliography indicated; - the ability to synthesize and to analyze the themes and the concepts; - the achievement of an organic vision and of a critical use of the themes and problems; - good expressive competence and specific Language. A discreet assessment is envisaged taking into consideration: - a mnemonic knowledge of the contents; - the ability to synthesize and to analyze the themes and the concepts articulated in a correct, but not always appropriate Language. A sufficient assessment is envisaged taking into consideration: - Formative gaps and / or inappropriate language, even if in a context of minimal knowledge of the examination contents. A negative rating is foreseen taking into consideration: - formative gaps; inappropriate language; lack of correlation within the proposed issues and the recommended bibliography.
In the event that the teaching also results as a module of C.I. ("Economy, Society, Settlement Sistems"), in
this last case the overall final vote will be calculated on the average of the results achieved on individual modules.
Teaching tools
Overhead projector, video and slides projector, compendium of photocopies sources, PowerPoint, materials on web.
Office hours
See the website of Paola Galetti