07309 - Public Law

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Exercise and Sport Sciences (cod. 8766)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - has an in-depth knowledge of the organizational and functional system of the State and of the administrative apparatus, as well as of the bodies that compose it; - will be able to autonomously and correctly set up a research using the sources of national and community law; - knows the complex mechanism of the sports system, in its relations with the state, also as regards the management of sports facilities and the health of the athletes.

Course contents

Giustizia sportiva.The Italian Republic and its principles

Individual rights and collective rights

The rights of the personality and their evolution. Focus: the right to health.

The sources of law: how to look for the rules and how to interpret them.

Italy as a member state of the European Union. community sources.

Italy in the international community.

Form of state and form of government.

The powers of the State: the Parliament, the Government and the Judiciary.

The President of the Republic.

The Constitutional Court.

The levels of territorial government: Municipalities, Metropolitan cities and Provinces, and Regions.

Principles and organization of public administration.

The law 241/1990 on the administrative procedure. Stages of the procedure and pathologies of the deed.

Elements of administrative justice.

The essential concepts of public contracts.

The sports system: autonomy and relations with the state system. Third sector entities.

Sports justice.

The prevention and repression of doping.

The discipline of sports facilities.


A. Barbera – M. Fusaro, Corso di diritto pubblico, ultima edizione.

P.D'Onofrio, Il diritto alla salute tra tradizione costituzionale ed innovazione digitale, 2022.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons in the classroom. Attendance at the lessons is essential for a complete learning of the subject.

Assessment methods

The exam is aimed at verifying the student's understanding of the concepts and topics presented and explained in class, based on the contents of the published program.

The exam will take place in written form, with the submission of 3 open-ended questions. 


The degree of preparation of the student will be evaluated as follows:

18-19 Very limited preparation. Basic answer to questions. Not very technical exhibition.

20-23 Fair preparation. Acceptable answer to questions. Exhibition with technical elements.

24-27 Good preparation. Relevant answers. Technical and appropriate exposition.

28-29 Excellent preparation. Complete answers and with exact terminology. Good capacity display.

30 Excellent preparation. Answers supported by a complete knowledge and with very adequate terminology. Systematic exposure.

30 L Uncommon and excellent preparation. Very satisfactory answers that denote study, in-depth culture and acquired logical ability. Reconstructive and brilliant exposition.

Teaching tools

During the lessons the teacher will use the projector and slides and documents will be shown.

Office hours

See the website of Boris Vitiello