56668 - Introduction to Nursing Research (CE)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8475)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student knows the research methodology and is able to identify specific areas of intervention.

Course contents


Knowledge of the contents of the modules of Evidence applied to the nursing practice and of the statistics and computer laboratory.


The student has to achieve these goals/target.

He/She has to acquire knowledge and skills related to the research process and to the main study drawings.

He /She must possess tools and methods for choosing the thesis topic and the subsequent elaboration.

The student is able to identify possible problems and research hypotheses in the field of nursing.

The student knows how to read, evaluate and use the research for the purposes of its application in nursing practice and the elaboration of ones thesis.


Introduction to the degree thesis

- The importance of the research in nursing

- Purposes and areas of the nursing research

- Identification of the problems from which it is possible to formulate research questions in the field of nursing

- Introduction to the degree thesis

The research process

- knowledge of the research process and of the main research methods and designs available in the literature.

- The research process and its phases

- Hypothesis and research’s question (PICOS)

The construction of the background

The main research drawings and their characteristics

- The research protocol

- Research methods

- Secondary literature: systematic reviews

- The qualitative research

- Ethical aspects in research

- Use the search

- Reading, evaluation and use of research

- Bibliographic research

- Critical analysis of a scientific article

The research project

- Preparation of a coherent and consistent research project, developing in particular the structure of the literature revision, oriented to the degree thesis

- Methodology to develop a literature review report

- Elaboration of a summary


Chiari P., Mosci D., Naldi E., Centro Studi EBN. Evidence-Based Clinical Practice (2011) La pratica clinico-assistenziale basata su prove di efficacia 2/ed. McGraw-Hill Milano.

Gaeta L. (2010) Lettura critica degli studi clini, Aras edizioni, Fano

Polit, DF & Beck, CT(2014) trad it a cura di Palese A. Fondamenti di Ricerca infermieristica. Mc Graw Hill, Milano

Sironi C. Introduzione alla ricerca infermieristica. 1° edizione. Capitoli: Torino: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2010.

The chapters of interest of the indicated texts will be indicated by the teacher during the lesson.

Teaching methods

Lectures, presentation of problems in plenary; individual/pair exercises in the classroom.

Work in small groups with sharing and review in the plenary.

Assessment methods

Written assessment test with closed answer

n. 15 questions + 1 supplementary question valid for praise, with n.3 or 4 possible choices

Teaching tools

In the classroom: PC, video projector, flipchart, scientific publications, databases (Unibo library).

Distribution list for teaching material (slides, articles of interest) and communications.

Office hours

See the website of Paola Ceccarelli