- Docente: Arcangelo Gentile
- Credits: 3
- SSD: VET/08
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)
from Sep 18, 2023 to Nov 22, 2023
Learning outcomes
At the end of the module, the student will possess the skill to set up a diagnostic process which, starting from the anamnestic collection and direct physical examination of the individual and/or herd, and continuing articulating the different branches of collateral diagnostics, will allow to reach a suitable diagnosis, to formulate a prognosis and to set up a therapeutic protocol.
Course contents
Dedicated pageThis course (Large Animals Clinical Internal Medicine and Therapy, 3 credits) is a course of the integrated course: Veterinary Clinical Internal Medicine and Therapy
Prof. Federico Fracassi is the professor charged for registering the integrated exam.
Following the different topics that will be held during the courses. For each topic, the bibliografic reference is indicated.
Glucidic dysmetabolic syndromes
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino:
Chetosi, sindrome da lipomobilizzazione = pagg. 649-664
Motor digestive syndromes
Ipotonia/atonia del reticolo e del rumine = Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino: pagg. 396-398
Sindromi da corpo estraneo = Messieri/Moretti: pagg 302-315
Sindromi vagali di Hoflund = Messieri/Moretti: pagg 334-342
Biochemical dygestive syndromes
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino:
Inerzia biochimica del rumine (insufficiente attività di digestione) = pagg. 424-427
Alcalosi ruminale = pagg. 427-428
Putrefazione del contenuto ruminale = pagg. 428-429
Acidosi ruminale = pagg. 428-446
Acidosi ruminale nel vitello (ruminal drinking) = pagg. 457-462
Meteorismo ruminale = pagg. 446-454
Abomasal diseases
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino:
Dislocazione a sinistra = pagg. 473-487
Dislocazione a destra = pagg. 487-493
Ulcere abomasali = pagg. 500-506
Neonatal dyarrhea
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino: pagg. 473-487
Diseases of the navel
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino: pagg. 680-691 e 721-722
Respiratitory diseases
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino:
Laringite difteroide-necrotica = pagg. 288-291
Atelettasia polmonare = pag. 297
Enfisema polmonare = pagg. 300-301
Malattie infiamatorie dei bronchi e polmoni = pagg. 302-308
Broncopolmonite enzootica = pagg. 310-315
Diseases of the skin:
Messieri/Moretti: EOP apparato tegumentario = pagg 789-834; Patologie della cute = pagg 835-881
Rebhun's diseases of dayiry cattle: Skin diseases = pagg 295-326
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino: Malattie del mantello, cute.... = pagg 23-95
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino: Leucosi infatica enzootica = pagg 134-141
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino: Forme sporadiche di leucosi linfatica = pagg 147-152
Downer cow syndrome:
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino: Sindrome della bovina a terra = pagg 863-871
Diarrhea in adult cattle:
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino: Malatie infiammatorie dell'intestino = pagg 552-572
Dirksen: Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino: Urolitiasi = pagg 730-734
PLEASE NOTE: During the exercises it is mandatory to wear suitable clothing (shirts, greens, safety boots). When necessary, PPE suitable for carrying out specific activities, such as gloves, disposables and protective goggles, will also be provided
The Syllabus of the course unit and the list of EAEVE Day One Competences that the course unit contributes to achieving can be viewed on the dedicated page.
A.Messieri e B.Moretti. Semiologia e Diagnostica Medica Veterinaria. Libreria Universitaria Tinarelli, 1963.
"Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino" (Dirksen, Gruender, Stoeber), Le Point Veterinaire (2004).
"Veterinary medicine", 10th edition (Radostits, Gay, Kenneth, Hinchliff, Constable, Saunders Ltd (2007)
Teaching methods
The course is based on frontal lectures (usually presenting clinical cases) and practicals. The latter will be run dividing the students in four groups. The presented clinical cases will be material coming from the case load of the clinic for cattle of the DIMEVET.
During the lectures there will be the presence of a patient in the classroom.
In order to allow a real participation in the exercises, the practical lessons will be carried out by dividing the students into four groups, to each of which the same topic will be repeated.
The exercises will be aimed at acquiring, on patients referred to the Department's Teaching Hospital, a correct execution of the clinical examination and the preparation, as well as the execution, of the therapeutic approach.
In consideration of the types of activities and teaching methods, all attendants will be expected to having attended the following speciific training on safety and health at work: Modules 1 and 2 e-learning [https://www.unibo.it/it/servizi- e-opportunities / health-and-assistance / health-and-safety / safety-and-health-in-places-of-study-and-training] and Module 3. In respect to the latter module 3, information on dates and methods of attendance can be consulted in the specific section of the degree program website.
According to the sanitary conditions (COVID 19) it might be possible that there will be a blended teaching system.
Assessment methods
The final exam consists of a practical test on a patient admitted to the buiatrics service of the DIMEVET. THe aims is to evaluate the achievement of the main didactic objectives of the course: (1) capacity of interpreting the clinical pictures occurring in the case of diseases of the most important systems; (2) knowledge related to the etiopathogenetic elemnents, the epidemiological aspects and the clinical picture that are present in the diseases of the main important systems.
The duration of the exams depends on the time it takes for the student to visit the patient.
The evaluation is expressed with a mark out of thirty. The test is passed with a mark of at least 18/30. In the event of maximum marks (30/30), summa cum laude can be attributed.
The student has the right to refuse the verbalization of the proposed positive grade at least once.
The purpose of the practical test is to verify the student's ability to apply his knowledge and to make the necessary logical-deductive connections during the execution of a clinical exam in order to issue a diagnosis on the patient that is assigned to him.
Gradation of the final grade:
a) Substantially exhaustive preparation on the topics addressed in the course, ability to make autonomous choices of critical analysis and differential diagnostic connection, full mastery of specific terminology and capacity for argumentation and self-reflection (30-30L);
b) Preparation on a large number of topics covered in the course, ability to carry out the clinical evaluation independently, mastery of specific terminology (25-29);
c) Preparation on a limited number of topics covered in the course and ability to carry out the clinical evaluation independently but not in a safe way; expression in correct language (20-24);
d) Preparation on a very limited number of topics covered in the course and ability to carry out the clinical evaluation independently only with the help of the teacher; expression in an overall correct language (18-19).
Students with disabilities or DSA can contact the teacher for a more adequate type of examination. This for the lectures, practicals and final assessment. Students should contact the teacher by email (arcangelo.gentile@unibo.it), including in c/c her/his supervisor.
Since this is an Integrated Course, it should be noted that the registering of the assessment will be done by Prof. Federico Fracassi.
Teaching tools
Clinical cases submitted to the clinic for ruminant (Service of Buiatria) of the DIMEVET and power point presentations.
Office hours
See the website of Arcangelo Gentile