03816 - Veterinary Surgery

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Ombretta Capitani (Modulo 1) Alessandro Spadari (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

Purpose of the course of "Veterinary Surgery" is to provide the students with the tools to perform:
- a complete physical examination patients

- medical tests to determine the state of health of an animal
- a therapy.

Course contents

The course is divided into two modules:

1 PETS (prof. Ombretta Capitani):

-surgical diseases of salivary glands

-surgical diseases of the gastrointestinal apparatus (from the mouth up to the anus)

-surgical diseases of the ear (ear canal and middle ear)

-surgical disease urinary system (stenosis,calculi,urinary cancers)

-surgical diseases of the spleen

-surgical oncology

-the most common skin cancers

-reconstructive plastic surgery techniques

The course contents will be complemented by clinical cases examined during the surgery internship.

These slides should only be considered as a basis for the study that has to be carried out on the suggested textbooks.

2 LARGE ANIMAL (prof. Alessandro Spadari):

-Clinical pathology of respiratory intracranial tract

-Clinical pathology of the upper respiratory tract in horse

-Clinic of abdominal diseases in horse

-Clinical diseases of the urinary tract in horse

-Foot's lameness in horse

-Fractures of the metacarpal / metatarsal bones

-Clinical pathology of the pelvic limb

-Clinical disorders of skeletal limbs of the calf

-Clinical diseases of the bovine foot

-Clinic of joints diseases of the horse

-Clinical eye diseases in horse

-Clinical pathology of the stomachs of cattle

-Clinic of surgical lesions of the breast in bovine

-Emergency management in trauma of the horse

The Syllabus of the course unit and the list of EAEVE Day One Competences that the course unit contributes to achieving can be viewed on the dedicated page.

dedicated page


The suggested textbook Modulo 1:

Slatter – Small animal surgery, Saunders 2008

Johston S.A and Tobias K.M.-- Veterinary surgery: small animal. second edition -Elsevier, 2018

T.W.Fossum - Chirurgia dei piccoli animali - Quinta Ed. Italiana -Edra e.v. 2021

Kudnig and Séguin – Veterinary surgical oncology - Wiley-Blackwell 2012

Other textbook Modulo 1:

JR Gomez, JG Morales, MJM Sanudo - La chirurgia nella clinica dei piccoli animali. SERVET, 2013

LR Aronson - Small Animal Surgical Emergiences - Wiley Blackwell, 2016

Mann-Constantinescu-Yoon -Fundamentals of small animal surgery -John Wiley & Sons, 2011


Textbook Modulo 2:

Fubini S.L., Ducharme, N,G. "Farm Animal Surgery", St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, 2017

Stashak, La zoppicatura nei cavalli Saunders 2011

Ross M.W. , Dyson S.J. "Diagnosis and management lameness in the horse",Saunders 2nd ed. 2011

Auer Stick Equine Surgery Lea Febiger 2012

Dirksen, Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino Le point Veterinaire 2010

Teaching methods

The course consists of frontal lessons (32 hours) and practical classes (18 x 4 hours).

1 PETS 16 hours of frontal lessons and 8 x 4 hours of practical classes

2 LARGE ANIMALS 16 hours of frontal lessons and 8 x 4 hours of practical classes

a. lectures
Lectures involve the use of PowerPoint presentations supplemented by numerous clinical cases useful to the description of various diseases. In addition, to improve the understanding, presentations are accompanied by numerous images  and videos on different aspects of the pathology or diagnostic imaging frameworks, such as ultrasound or x-rays etc.
In detail, the lessons will be carried out by treating the diseases with the following scheme:
• Collection of anamnesis
• Symptoms, physical examination and differential diagnosis
• Exams side
• Definitive diagnosis
• medical and surgical therapies

b. practical lessons
The practical lessons are carried out by dividing the students into four groups, to form groups of about 25 students.




 Modulo 1 - Individual surgical activities:

exeresis a cutaneous node - perform sacculectomy,lynfoadenectomy, ear surgery (Zepp/TECALBO)-cystotomy and enterotomy.

Modulo 2 - Individual surgical activities:

head and limb surgery in large animals.

Assessment methods

Oral and Practical examination

The purpose of the oral examination is to evaluate the skill of the student to apply his store of knowledge and to correctly perform logical-deductive connections. Usually the oral examination is based on the presentation of a clinical case, possibly supported by the viewing of images and/or videos. The student is asked to make a list of differential diagnoses and to discuss what elements are pros and cons of the various hypotheses, and to suggest how to reach the final diagnosis and to decide the treatment plan. During the examination the student have to answer to in-depth questions related to the topic discussed.

Is very important that the student uses a correct lexicon and that he reasons transversally, connecting all the topics of the course and the knowledge from previous courses.

In details, here is the score grid for oral examinations:

- a very thorough knowledge of the topics addressed in the course, together with high skills of critical analysis, connection and a sure command of specific terminology will be evaluated with the maximum score (30-30L);

- a thorough knowledge of the topics addressed in the course, together with good analytical and critical skills and the possession of a sure command of specific terminology will be evaluated with good marks (27-29);

- a technically adequate preparation and a sufficient analytical capacity, even if not particularly articulated, expressed in a correct language, will produce fair evaluations (23-26);

- sufficient preparation and capacity for analysis, expressed in a language which is barely formally correct, will determine the sufficiency (18-22).


The final result of the tests will be the arithmetic mean between the grade of the integrated module Veterinary Surgical Clinic and the Orthopedics grade.


Prof. O.Capitani verbalize your examination.

Office hours

See the website of Ombretta Capitani

See the website of Alessandro Spadari


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