69878 - Aquaculture and Small Species Breeding

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

The student is introduced to the basic knowledges of aquaculture and rabbit rearing with particular attention to technologies, nutrition and feeding, reproduction and genetic improvement, larval and newborne farming, animal welfare and farm hygene, product quality and safety. Furthermore the student will be able to recognize the main factors for successful aquaculture and rabbit farm.

Course contents

The programme involves: overview on fish production in Italy and abroad, including trends in the last decades; environmental factors and their influence on aquaculture; aquatic animal behaviour, reproduction, genetic improvement, larval rearing in aquaculture; ongrowing and complete cycle in aquaculture, including nutrition and feeding; animal welfare and hygiene in aquaculture; main aquaculture quality production factors; rabbit rearing main traits. Day One Competences according to European Procedures by EAEVE.


Pubblicazioni FAO - State of the World Aquaculture 2006 (Full report); ASSALZOO, Normativa sugli alimenti per animali, Edagricole, Bologna, 1997;  G., Aquaculture, Tecnique et documentation-Lavoisier, Paris, 1989; •Brown L., Aquaculture for veterinarians : fish husbandry and medicine, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1993;  De Silva S.S., Anderson T.A., Fish Nutrition in Aquaculture, Chapman & Hall, London, 1995; Mc Donald E., Reenhalgh C., Nutrizione animale, Ed. Tecniche Nuove, 1992; Viviani R., Elementi di Biochimica, Tomo secondo: Nutrizione e Metabolismo degli Animali, Ed. UTET, Torino, 1985; •Appunti e materiale didattico delle lezioni.

Teaching methods

Remote teaching activities will run in parallel with classroom teaching activities (https://www.unibo.it/en/university/covid-19-The-measures-adopted-by-the-University-of-Bologna/lessons-exams-internships ) with active participation of students. Practical activities, according to law and rules, will be set up splitting the class in four groups of 16 students each. Students will learn how to manage live fish, how to distinguish the zootechnical indices, welfare indices, quality indices.  Furthermore a unique training per classroom will be done on aquatic animal behaviour and farm managment.

Considering specific practical activities it is compulsory for students to learn advices on safety and healthy procedure to be followed when they are into labs. those courses are available at the following web site: [https://www.unibo.it/it/servizi-e-opportunita/salute-e-assistenza/salute-e-sicurezza/sicurezza-e-salute-nei-luoghi-di-studio-e-tirocinio]. Furthermore all students must follow module 3 (for information see Course web site).

Assessment methods

Students can choise the assessment will be in presence or online until new rules will be available.

The assessment will be done by means of oral examination and/or multiple choise test along with open questions. Particularly there will be 35 multiple choise questions. Every answer can score +1 if right, -1 if wrong e 0 if abstent.

Time available is 35 minuti. It is forbidden to consult books, lecture notes or computer media.

Maximum score is 30/30 e lode.

Minimum score is 18/30.

In case the student do not get at least 18/30 it is compulsory the oral examination. It consist, normally, of two questions.

Oral examination

Score ranking:

Optimal knowledge of lessons contents along with high critical ability, will be evaluated around the maximum score (30-30L).

High knowledge of lessons contents along with good critical ability, will be evaluated between 25 - 29

Good knowledge of lessons contents along with fair critical ability, will be evaluated between 20 - 24

Sufficient knowledge of lessons contents along with sufficient critical ability, will be evaluated between 18 - 19

The final score will be calculated as the average of three Course parts taking into consideration the ratio of CFU

Teaching tools

The Course is made of 18 hours of frontal teaching and 6 hours of practical teaching (practical teaching will be done in 4 separate groups). The programma items will be show by means of presentations, videos, practical demonstration. The student will be engaged by means of questions and or shot tests.

Office hours

See the website of Pier Paolo Gatta


Zero hunger Good health and well-being Decent work and economic growth Oceans

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.