69552 - Translation from Italian into Spanish II (First Language)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student will be able to apply basic translation instruments (grammar, dictionaries and textual aspects) as well as methods (source text analysis and its transposition into the translated text) in the translation of a variety of simple texts from Italian into Spanish. The student will also be able to identify and apply the most appropriate basic translation strategies to fulfil the communicative/operational functions of the source text.

Course contents

The course lasting 30 face-to-face hours and 10 in Blended Learning Mode (for a total of 5 CFUs) will take place in the first semester and will focus on translation from Italian to Spanish.

The objective of the course is:
-Translate from Italian into Spanish texts of different text types, mainly of a popular nature and with an increasing degree of complexity with the aim of stimulating reflection on the problems of translation between related languages.

The specific objectives can be divided into:
-Identifying translation problems and activating translation strategies appropriate to the proposed texts.
-Developing linguistic-communicative skills and technical, semantic, syntactic, textual, and pragmatic-communicative sub-skills.
-Develop encyclopedic-cultural and lexicographic sub-skills;
-Know how to write grammatically correct and pragmatically appropriate texts in the target language.

Source texts used in translation activities will be provided via Virtual e-learning platform that will be activated at the beginning of the course.


Dizionari e risorse on line:

Arqués / Padoan (2012). Il grande dizionario di spagnolo. Bologna: Zanichelli.

CLAVE, Diccionario de uso del español actual (2002). Madrid: Ediciones SM.

Fundación del Español Urgente ‹http://www.fundeu.es/›

Garzanti (2009), Dizionario di spagnolo. Milano: Garzanti Linguistica.

Moliner, M. (2007) Diccionario de uso del español. Madrid: Gredos (3 ed.).

Real Academia Española (2015), Diccionario de la lengua española, 23.ª ed. ‹http://www.rae.es/obras-academicas/diccionarios/diccionario-de-la-lengua-espanola›

Real Academia Española, Corpes, Corpus del español del siglo XXI,http://www.rae.es/recursos/banco-de-datos/corpes-xxi›.

Real Academia Española, CREA, ‹http://www.rae.es/recursos/banco-de-datos/crea›

REDES, Diccionario Combinatorio del español contemporáneo (2004). Madrid: Ediciones SM.

Bibliografia di consultazione:

Calvi, M. V.; Calvo Rigual, C. (2014). Traducción y lexicografía: un diálogo necesario. MonTI, 6, pp. 9–36.

Castillo Peña, C. (2007). Las marcas de uso en los modernos diccionarios bilingües español-italiano. En SAN VICENTE, F. (Ed.). Perfiles para la historia y crítica de la lexicografía bilingüe del español. Monza: Polimetrica, pp. 39-58

Elena García P. (1996). "La documentación en la traducción general" in La enseñanza de la traducción, A. Hurtado Albir (ed.). Barcelona:Universitat Jaume.

Grijelmo A.(1997) El estilo del periodista, Madrid: Taurus

Hurtado Albir A.(2001) Traducción y traductología. Barcelona:Cátedra Lingüística.

Hurtado Albir, A.(Dir.) (1999), Enseñar a traducir. Teorías y fichas prácticas.Edelsa: Madrid.

Lozano, P. (2003). La traducción a una lengua extranjera: uno de los muchos desafíos a la competencia traductora. En Kelly, D.; Martin, A.; Nobs, M.; Sánchez, D. y Way, C. (Coords.). La direccionalidad en Traducción e Interpretación. Perspectivas teóricas, profesionales y didácticas. Granada: Atrio

Teaching methods

The lesson is designed as a laboratory. We will carry out activities of analysis, documentation, translation, proofreading and commentary.

All students must come to the lesson with his/her version of the translation exercise, both printed and saved on USB device.

The Blended Learning Mode also includes participation in a SPOC (small private open course) entitled: Introducción a los recursos lexicográficos del traductor italiano-español

The course based on the methodology of self-directed e-learning, in which each student progresses at his or her own pace and effective and productive cooperative learning will be done through the Moodle platform.

The course participates in the University's teaching experimentation project

Assessment methods

The final examination of the entire course is designed to verify that the main translation methods have been learned. It consists of a double translation test (Spanish to Italian and Italian to Spanish). The grade, therefore, will be calculated on the average of the marks of the two examination papers. As for the integrated course of active translation, it will be evaluated through a written test lasting 3 hours concerning the translation of a text from Italian to Spanish (max.450 words) referable to text types and/or content seen in the classroom. In addition, the result obtained in the course taken at a distance on Moodle will also be taken into account.

The use of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries and materials produced during the course will be allowed for the written test. Students will be allowed to use their own laptop with internet connection for the conduct of the exam.

    It would be evaluated:

    1. The ability to analyze and understand the source text.
    2. The ability to express oneself in the target language.
    3. The ability to identify and solve translation problems inherent in the text type

    Learning assessment scale
    (Grade and description)

    30-30L: Excellent test demonstrating excellent acquisition of the lexical, grammatical and cultural content proposed in the course; complete mastery of the language and culture of study.
    27-29: Above average, with minor errors compensated for by a more than adequate demonstration of the required knowledge and language skills.
    24-26: Good test, but with some obvious errors indicating partial acquisition of the required knowledge and skills.
    21-23: Sufficient test, but with noticeable limitations in the knowledge and skills to be acquired.
    18-20_ Test that meets only the minimum criteria of knowledge and skills to be acquired.
    Insuff.: Basic knowledge not achieved, the examination must be retaken.

    Teaching tools

    - Mono- and bilingual dictionaries (print and online);
    - PC with Internet connection, webcam and microphone and video projector;
    - Virtual platform with materials uploaded by the lecturer.
    - Teams platform

    Office hours

    See the website of Natalia Penin Fernandez