- Docente: Cristina Puzzarini
- Credits: 6
- SSD: CHIM/02
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Cristina Puzzarini (Modulo 1) Mattia Melosso (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Chemistry and Materials Chemistry (cod. 8006)
from Feb 26, 2024 to May 29, 2024
from Apr 22, 2024 to May 15, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student knows how radiation can interact with molecules. He knows how rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra can be used to determine molecular properties and for analytical applications.
Course contents
Introductive concepts: Radiation-matter interaction. Transition moments. Electromagnetic spectrum. Relationships between frequency, wavenumber and wavelength.
Rotational Spectroscopy of diatomic molecules: Classical treatment. Quantum-mechanical treatment: the rigid rotor. Centrifugal distorsion: the semi-rigid rotor. Energy levels, selection rules, intensity and spectra. Numerical exercises.
Vibrational Spectroscopy of diatomic molecules: Classical tratment. Quantum-mechanical treatment: the harmonic oscillator. Anharmonicity. Energy levels, selection rules, intensity and spectra. Numerical exercises.
Vibro-rotational Spectroscopy of diatomic molecules: Energy levels, selection rules, intensity and spectra. Numerical exercises.
Raman Spectroscopy of diatomic molecules: Raman effect. Selection rules: polarizzability and induced dipole moment. Rotational Raman spectroscopy. Vbrational Raman spectroscopy. Nuclear spin effects. Numerical exercises.
Electronic Spectroscopy of diatomic molecules: Born-Oppenheimer approximation and potential energy surface. Franck-Condon principle. Vibronic transition: Energy levels, selection rules, intensity and spectra. Derivation of dissociation energies from vibronic spectra. Ro-vibronic transition: Energy levels, selection rules, intensity and spectra. Numerical exercises.
Laboratory exercises: Four experiments on rotational, vibro-rotational, Raman and vibronic spectroscopies.
J.M. Brown: "Molecular Spectroscopy" - Oxford Science Publications.
P.W. Atkins, J. de Paula : "Chimica Fisica" (5a ed. italiana dalla 9a inglese) – Zanichelli.
Additional documentation available online.
Teaching methods
Lessons in the classroom (4 CFU), exercises (1 CFU), and laboratory experiments (1 CFU), made by 2-3 students groups.
As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students must attend Module 1, 2 [https://www.unibo.it/en/services-and-opportunities/health-and-assistance/health-and-safety/online-course-on-health-and-safety-in-study-and-internship-areas] online, while Module 3 on health and safety is to be attended in class or on Microsoft Teams according to the modality chosen by the teacher. Information about Module 3 attendance schedule is available on the website of your degree programme
Assessment methods
Learning assessment is evaluated by means of the final (written) examination and lab laboratory-practical reports (these should be submitted within the end of the teaching term). The written exam aims at verifying the student's knowledge and skills. The duration of this examination is on average 240 minutes and is organized as follows:
- Solution of about 11 numerical exercises (similar to those solved during the course)
- Answer to about 25 questions (most of them: multiple choice) concerning the theoretical part.
During the written exam the use of the pocket calculator is allowed.
The final mark is the CFU weighted mean of the marks obtained for: written exam and laboratory reports.
Partial (intermediate) exams are scheduled:
- Within the end of April: written exam on basic concepts and rotational spectroscopy. Questions and exercises.
- Within the middle of May: written exam on vibrational and ro-vibrational spectroscopy. Questions and exercises.
- Within the end of May: written exam on Raman and electronic spectroscopy. Questions and exercises.
Teaching tools
1) Blackboard (lectures and exercises) and video-projector. Lecture notes.
2) computational lab praticals
Office hours
See the website of Cristina Puzzarini
See the website of Mattia Melosso

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.