20135 - General and Applied Hygiene

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Dental Hygiene (cod. 8481)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in School of Dentistry (cod. 8204)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students acquire a preparation that allows them to identify the critical issues within the dental practice. They will be taught how to manage infectious dangers arise for patients and for the dental team and to choose the most suitable preventive procedures to put under control the identified dangers. In particular, students are able to: carry out a biological risk assessment within the dental practice; choose the most appropriate personal protective equipment; prepare the correct procedures for the disposal of special waste at risk of infection; choose the most suitable chemical and physical means to decontaminate instruments and equipment; recognize the most suitable environmental sanitization procedures for the dental practice; adopt the most effective procedures for the control of microbial biofilm in the dental unit; choose the most suitable methods for detecting and controlling the airborne microbial load; coordinate the dental practice team in the application of the obligations established by national and regional resolutions

Course contents


Definition of hygiene.

Objectives and levels of epidemiological prevention and prevention of the main infectious diseases. Repercussions of the latter in the dental field.

Professional diseases. Prevention and protections. Post exposure prophylaxis. Standard precautions. Chain of infections. Air, water and environments management. Sanitization, cleansing, disinfection and sterilization. State of the art, confirmations of effectiveness and validations. Tests and their effectiveness.

Treatment of air, water and environments to avoid infections. Prevention tools. Monitoring and control of microbial contamination of water in dental unit water systems, biofilm, water and air quality. Reference regulations

Individual prevention devices.

Biocides: disinfectants and antiseptics and their applications.

Waste: collection, storage and disposal of waste in the dental office.

Healthcare organization and legislation: principles of healthcare planning, dental healthcare in the NHS, authorization and accreditation of dental facilities.

Methods and tools of epidemiology applied to hygiene in dentistry.



- Rini MS; Manuale per tutelare e tutelarsi. La gestione igienica dello studio odontoiatrico. Bonomo Editore Bologna; May 2022.

- Montagna MT, Castiglia P, Liguori G, Quarto M; Igiene in odontoiatria. Monduzzi Editore; 2004.

- Agolini G, Gatti M, Raitano A, Rini MS, Sancin AM, Sandonà G. Norme igieniche in odontoiatria. Indicazioni, tossicologia ed aspetti medico-legali. Edizioni Martina; 2008.

Teaching methods


Frontal lessons with slides and practical lessons (if possible)

Assessment methods

Learning assessment and evaluation methods

Oral exam

Teaching tools

Tools to support teaching

The teaching material will be made available to students

Office hours

See the website of Maria Sofia Rini