31174 - Hispano-American Literature 2

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student is satisfactorily familiar with general issues and specific aspects of the history of literature. They can understand and translate texts in the original language, have acquired the basic theoretical knowledge necessary to tackle the critical interpretation of their contents, and can comment on and present texts using methodologies specific to the analysis of literary texts.

Course contents

The course is divided into two modules: the first, on poetry, taught by Professor Balletta, and the second, on short stories, taught by Professor Stabile.

FIRST MODULE: A Storm in a Teacup: 20th-century Hispanic-American Poetry between Tradition and Innovation The course aims to provide knowledge of 20th-century Hispanic-American poetry, starting from Modernism (Rubén Darío), then delving into the in-depth examination of major figures of the avant-garde (Pablo Neruda, Vicente Huidobro, César Vallejo, Oliverio Girondo), and finally exploring some post-war trends, such as Nicanor Parra's antipoetry, the Chilean neo-avant-garde of the '70s, and the neobaroque of the '80s. Alongside the historical overview, the course will tackle the reading of some particularly significant texts, providing students with theoretical tools for a serious and in-depth analysis of poetic texts.

SECOND MODULE: Retelling: Transfigurations and Concerns in Contemporary Hispanic-American Short Stories The course explores the theme of the transfiguration of reality into something restless and disturbing through the perspectives and narrative techniques of five Hispanic-American female writers. The short story, a narrative form that has traversed countless cultures, epochs, religions, and literatures, has notably influenced the literary and artistic production of many prominent names in 20th and 21st-century Hispanic-American literature, shaping the style of Spanish-language American short stories. Starting with a historical introduction to the genre and specifically to Hispanic-American short stories, addressing stylistic and formal issues, the course will analyze and comment on the designated texts to acquire a reading and investigative method that allows navigating a literary universe increasingly closer to the contemporary era, bringing forth issues, themes, and perspectives that require careful and in-depth examination. Additional bibliographic references will be provided to offer further investigative tools and theoretical references suitable for the needs that arise during the course.


Voluntary Seminar: The course also offers the opportunity to attend a voluntary seminar to support the preparation of the institutional part of the course (history of literature). Further details will be provided at the beginning of the lessons.

Bibliography for the FIRST MODULE: a. Primary Sources: Darío, Rubén, Azul. Cantos de Vida y Esperanza, Madrid, Cátedra, 1995 (selection of texts). Huidobro, Vicente, Altazor Temblor De Cielo, Madrid, Catedra, 1994. Girondo, Oliverio, Obra Completa, Madrid, Archivos, 1999 (selection of texts). Neruda, Pablo, Canto general, Madrid, Cátedra, 1992 (selection of texts). Parra, Nicanor, Poemas para combatir la calvicie, Mexico, Fondo de cultura economica, 1993 (selection of texts)

b. Secondary Sources: b1. Criticism: Verani Hugo J., Las vanguardias literarias en Hispanoamérica: manifiestos, proclamas y otros escritos, México, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1995 (selection of texts). One text of choice between: Yurkiévich, Saúl, Fundadores de la nueva poesía latinoamericana: Vallejo, Huidobro, Borges, Girondo, Neruda, Paz, Lezama Lima, Barcelona, Edhasa, 2002. Sucre, Guillermo, La máscara y la transparencia. Ensayos sobre poesía hispanoamericana, México, F.C.E., 1985. b2. Theory: Jakobson Roman, “Linguistica e poetica” in Id., Saggi di linguistica generale, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1966. c. Analysis Tools: Beltrami, Pietro G., Gli strumenti della poesia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002. Mortara Garavelli Bice, Manuale di retorica, Milano, Bompiani, 2003. Beccaria Gian Luigi (a cura di), Dizionario di linguistica e di filologia, metrica, retorica, Torino, Einaudi, 1994. Marchese, Angelo, L'officina della poesia : principi di poetica, Milano, Mondadori, 1997.

Bibliography for the SECOND MODULE: Elena Garro, “La semana de colores”, en E. Garro Cuentos Completos, México, Alfaguara, 2016 Elena Garro, “El día que fuimos perros”, en E. Garro Cuentos Completos, México, Alfaguara, 2016 Elena Garro, “El Duende”, en E. Garro Cuentos Completos, México, Alfaguara, 2016 Amparo Dávila, “El huésped”, en A. Dávila Cuentos Reunidos, Fondo de Cultura Económica Amparo Dávila, “Fragmento de un diario”, en A. Dávila Cuentos Reunidos, Fondo de Cultura Económica Amparo Dávila, “El entierro”, en A. Dávila Cuentos Reunidos, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2009 Amparo Dávila, “Árboles Petrificados”, en A. Dávila Cuentos Reunidos, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2009 Amparo Dávila, “Con los ojos abiertos”, en A. Dávila Cuentos Reunidos, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2009 Dolores Reyes, “El nombre de los árboles”, en Y. E. Aguilar Gil, G. Cabezón Cámara, J. Cárdenas, C. Fonseca, L. Meruane, D. Reyes, D. Ribeiro, C. Rivera Garza, Volver a Contar. Escritores de América Latina en los archivos del Museo Británico, Barcelona, Anagrama, 2022. Cristina Rivera Garza, “Tizón Tardío”, en Y. E. Aguilar Gil, G. Cabezón Cámara, J. Cárdenas, C. Fonseca, L. Meruane, D. Reyes, D. Ribeiro, C. Rivera Garza, V. Vidal, J. Zárate, Volver a Contar. Escritores de América Latina en los archivos del Museo Británico, Barcelona, Anagrama, 2022. Camila Sosa Villada, “La merienda”, en C. Sosa Villada Soy una tonta por quererte, Buenos Aires, Tusquets, 2022. Camila Sosa Villada, “Mujer Pantalla”, en C. Sosa Villada Soy una tonta por quererte, Buenos Aires, Tusquets, 2022. Camila Sosa Villada, “Seis tetas”, en C. Sosa Villada Soy una tonta por quererte, Buenos Aires, Tusquets, 2022. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR THE HISTORY OF LITERATURE: For the Second Year: Oviedo, José Miguel, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, Madrid, Alianza, 2001 [vols. 3 and 4]: VOL 3: "EL POSTMODERNISMO y sus ALREDEDORES"; "Voces femeninas en la poesía"; "LA PRIMERA VANGUARDIA"; "Las arquitecturas barrocas de Carpentier". VOL 4: Borges y la literatura fantástica For the Third Year: Oviedo, José Miguel, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, Madrid, Alianza, 2001 [vol. 4]: "El boom": el centro, la órbita y la periferia Rose Corral, "México y la cuestión americana en las revistas de los nuevos (México, Argentina y Uruguay)" in Corral, Rose; Stanton, Anthony; Valender, James. Laboratorios de lo nuevo. Revistas literarias y culturales de México, España y el río de la plata en la década de 1920, México, Colegio de México, Estudios de Lingüística y literatura 71, 2018 Anthony Stanton, "Un ultraísta invisible entre estridentistas y contemporáneos: Humberto Rivas y su revista mexicana Sagitario (1926-1927)", in Corral, Rose; Stanton, Anthony; Valender, James. Laboratorios de lo nuevo. Revistas literarias y culturales de México, España y el río de la plata en la década de 1920, México, Colegio de México, Estudios de Lingüística y literatura 71, 2018 Éric Tabadoire, De América a Europa. Cuando los indígenas descubrieron el Viejo mundo (1492-1892), México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017. ["Prólogo. Del Nuevo al Viejo Mundo" pp. 9-22; "Conclusiones. Otra conquista del Nuevo Mundo" pp. 209-242] The bibliography provided above is provisional. Definitive bibliographic indications will be provided during the course and after its conclusion. The final program and dossiers will be available at the usual copy shops; any slides or texts used in class will also be available on the Alma Campus platform (http://campus.unibo.it [http://campus.unibo.it/] [http://campus.unibo.it/ ]).

Teaching methods

The course includes, in addition to frontal lessons, in-depth seminars on some themes related to the studied sources, as well as theoretical and methodological tools relevant to their study (further information on this will be provided during the lessons).

Assessment methods

The exam will be divided into two parts: (a) the writing of a critical essay (paper) of about 15 pages and (b) an oral exam.

(a) Regarding the paper, which must be submitted to the professor at least one week before the exam date, it requires the analysis of a theme or text covered during the course. Non-attending students are encouraged to contact the professor for useful guidance on this aspect. A well-developed, well-written essay with a certain interpretative insight will be rated excellent; the lack of one or more of these qualities will result in satisfactory or passing grades; an incoherent, underdeveloped paper, not related to the course themes, or blatantly copy-pasted, will not be admitted to the oral exam.

(b) The oral exam consists of a discussion on the course topics. As in the first year, the aim is to assess the student's critical and methodological abilities, demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the texts and proposed bibliography. The highest grades will be given to students who exhibit an organic understanding of the course themes, use critical thinking, and demonstrate expressive mastery and specific language use.

Predominantly mnemonic knowledge, synthesis skills, and shallow analysis, along with correct but not always appropriate language, will lead to passing grades. Approximate knowledge, superficial understanding, limited analytical and expressive skills, and occasionally inappropriate language will result in grades between passing and slightly above. Educational gaps, inappropriate language, and a lack of orientation within the content and bibliography proposed in the program will be negatively evaluated.

Teaching tools

The main means of presentation will be through the projection of images, texts, and slides. For better organization of materials and content, the online course platform will be utilized. The provided materials are an integral and necessary (but not sufficient) part of the exam program.

Office hours

See the website of Edoardo Balletta

See the website of Valeria Stabile