- Docente: Greta Zanoni
- Credits: 6
- SSD: L-LIN/02
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Modern, Post-Colonial and Comparative Literatures (cod. 0981)
from Feb 12, 2024 to Mar 20, 2024
Learning outcomes
The student knows the basic principles related to teaching / learning foreign languages. He/She is able to use some teaching techniques and to monitor the development of his/her own learning. He/she is able to independently develop further knowledge and skills in the specific disciplinary area and to use them appropriately
Course contents
The course aims to address the following topics:
- the main theories relating to the learning of mother and secondary languages;
- the general teaching principles of modern languages;
- input and output in language teaching and learning;
- language learning through interaction;
- teaching pragmatics;
- task-based teaching;
- the use of technologies to learn / teach languages.
The following texts, compulsory for both attending and non-attending students, represent the basic bibliography:
- A. Ciliberti, Glottodidattica. Per una cultura dell’insegnamento linguistico, Roma, Carocci 2012. In particolare i capp. 1, 2, 3, 4 [pp.21.-90]; capp 6, 7 e 8 [pp. 115-172]; e cap. 11 e 12 [pp. 205-248];
- M. Chini, C.Bosisio (a cura di), Fondamenti di glottodidattica. Apprendere e insegnare le lingue oggi, Carocci, 2014: SOLO Cap 4, La didattica della L2, pp.175-248, con particolare attenzione al paragrafo 3 "tecnologie per l'educazione linguistica";
- Nuzzo E., Grassi R. (2016) Input, output e interazione nell'insegnamento delle lingue. SOLO Cap. 3 L'intervento sull'output pp.93-122.
Supplementary reading for non-attending and attending students:
- Selinker, Larry. 1972. Interlanguage. International Review of Applied Linguistics 10(2). 209– 231.
- Van den Branden, K. (2016) “Task-based language teaching”, in Hall, G. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teaching, New York: Routledge, pp. 238-251.
- Nuzzo E. Gauci P. (2012) Insegnare la pragmatica in italiano L2. Recenti ricerche nella prospettiva della teoria degli atti linguistici [Premessa e capitolo 1 pp. 9-22]
As an alternative to the supplementary readings, attending students can choose to start the oral interview by presenting and analyzing a teaching manual. Further indications and tools will be provided during the lessons.
Other non-mandatory texts and papers (for consultation and/or in-depth analysis) will be provided during the course.
Students who have difficulty studying texts in English are invited to contact the teacher for alternative readings.
Teaching methods
Lectures and laboratory activities (analysis of audio-video texts and teaching activities and materials).
Assessment methods
The exam consists of an oral interview that aims to evaluate the knowledge acquired by the student in relation to the theoretical and practical aspects that characterize the teaching of modern languages. The evaluation of the oral interview will be based mainly on the acquired knowledge, on the ability to argue and on the appropriateness of terminology.
Teaching tools
During the lessons, additional supports will be used and provided, including audiovisual tools, power points, websites, e-learning resources for language learning and teaching.
Office hours
See the website of Greta Zanoni