Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 9210)

Learning outcomes

The main outcome of the Course is to provide an easy and applicable approach to understand standard ECG considering normal variability and principal alterations. Moreover, principal concepts covering the different types of arrhythmias and their treatment will be discussed.

At the end of this Module the students will recognize the mechanisms and classification of bradi/tachyarrhythmias together with their ECG manifestations. Finally they will be able to develop an approach for rhythm interpretation of common real-world traces.

Course contents



Basics of electrophysiological mechanisms for arrhythmias genesis

Classification of arrhythmias

Brady and tachyarrhythmias : ECG patterns

Intracardiac signals: methods and techniques for detection and recording and clinical implications for arrhythmias management


The basics of ECG

ECG: normal and pathlogical patterns

ECG in acute and chronic ischemic heart disease

ECG in conduction disturbances, hypertrophy and cardiomyopathies


The material provided during the coure will be sufficient to cover the topic appropriately. However these are suggested additional readings to improve ECG Knowledge:

1) David G. Strauss. Marriott's Practical Electrocardiography. 2021.

2) DJ Rowlands. Interpretazione dell' elettrocardiogramma - ECG normale, Alterazioni morfologiche, Alterazioni del ritmo. 2004

3) G. Oreto Elettrocardiogramma: un mosaico a 12 tessere (Vol. I + Vol. II) 2009

4) I. Diemberger Infections of Cardiac Implantable Devices: A Comprehensive Guide 2021

Teaching methods

The course is made up of lectures with the support of Power Point presentations. Interaction of the audience is wellcome to improve overall understanding and will be promoted by the teacher with interactive analysis of several ECG traces.

Assessment methods

The exam will be a multiple-choice quiz regarding the topics coverd by all three modules. The final score will be positive if the student will obtain a score >17/30.

Teaching tools

Teaching material can be downloaded from the institutional repository (access restricted to UNIBO students).

Office hours

See the website of Igor Diemberger