43840 - Theories and Techniques of Architectural Composition

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 0881)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the critical analysis of the principles and methods of construction of the architectural form. At the end of the course, the student knows the relationships between theory - as an overall vision of the educational path of the architectural object - and design practice in the architectural and urban fields

Course contents

The "Architecture, Museum, Image" graduate laboratory (16 CFU) consists of: A) the characterizing teaching of Architectural and Urban Composition (8 CFU); B) a teaching of Theories and techniques of architectural composition (4 CFU); C) a teaching of Forms and techniques of architectural structures (2CFU); D) a course in Landscape Aesthetics and Thought Figures (2CFU).

The teaching of theories and techniques of architectural composition (4 CFU, 48 hours)

proposes a series of lectures aimed at clarifying some theoretical issues faced by modern architectural culture in the field of figurative and urban research. The lectures will refer, in particular, to the theoretical background on which the formative and communicative gestures of the architect are placed, in the perspective of a specific materialization of the "reality" of architectural invention.

In this context, speaking today of theories and techniques of architectural composition means retracing internal paths within the sphere of architectural composition and design. It means launching an investigation into the conceptual areas of architecture, the foundations and principles of design procedures, compositional gestures, training processes and the themes that characterize their development; it therefore means returning to the "reality" of architectural invention.

From this particular point of view, Theory is not something that is outside the project, it is not extraneous to the mesh of its formative processes. To affirm it as the maximum guide of doing, or to deny it in the simple act, no longer makes sense because it is already presupposed in the character of the project, in the themes, in the procedures and in the compositional gestures: theory and project are one and the same within the invention architectural.

Theoretical knowledge will therefore constitute a basic tool for the process of making architecture. Theoretical foundation and practical experience will confront each other within the training course of architectural form.


-Aldo Rossi, Introduzione a Boullée, in Etienne Louis Boullée.Architettura saggio sull’arte, Marsilio, Padova 1977 [I ed. Londra 1953, I trad. it. Padova 1967]

-Aldo Rossi, Autobiografia scientifica, Pratiche Editrice, Milano 1999 [I ed. Parma 1990],

-Rafael Moneo, Inquietudine teorica e strategia progettuale nell’opera di otto architetti contemporanei, Electa, Milano 2005

-Peter Eisenman, La fine del classico. La fine dell’Inizio, la fine della Fine [I ed. Cambridge, USA, 1984], in La Fine del Classico e altri scritti, a cura di Renato Rizzi, CLUVA Editrice, Venezia 1987

-Fabian Carlos Giusta, John Hejduk. Profezie figurative, Il Poligrafo, Padova 2013.

-Fabian Carlos Giusta, Rafael Moneo. Redenzioni figurative, Aión Edizioni, Firenze 2013.

-Fabian Carlos Giusta, Peter Eisenman. Alchimie figurative, Aión Edizioni, Firenze 2014

-Fabian Carlos Giusta, Dépense e progetto, Mimesis edizione, Milano-Udine 2014

Teaching methods

The teaching of Theories and techniques of architectural composition (4 CFU, 48 hours); it will take place through lectures. The lessons will propose a methodology that considers the relationship between the theoretical-critical text and iconographic apparatuses as a priority. In fact, the use of photographic images and architectural drawings as a method of deepening reflection on architecture and, in particular, analogue composition understood as a design method and tool for critical analysis

Assessment methods

The "Architecture, Museum, Image" graduate laboratory (C. I. 16 CFU, 192 hours) consists of: A) the characterizing teaching of Architectural and Urban Composition (8 CFU, 96 hours); B) a teaching of Theories and techniques of architectural composition (4 CFU, 48 hours); C) a teaching of Forms and techniques of architectural structures (2 CFU, 24 hours); D) a course in Landscape Aesthetics and Thought Figures (2 CFU, 24 hours).

The suitability test of the "Architecture, Museum, Image" degree laboratory includes verification of learning of the contents of all the courses that comprise it and takes place in a single exam.

Teaching tools

Frontal lessons through the projection of slides, audio and / or video reproductions. The teaching material presented in class will be made available to the student in electronic format via a digital platform, or delivered directly to the classroom, according to the methods that will be indicated at the beginning of the laboratory.

The laboratory has its own space for classroom exercises. Teaching support: model laboratory, PC, digital video projector, audiovisual tools and products, printers and plotters.

Office hours

See the website of Fabian Carlos Giusta