01016 - Town-Planning Technique (A)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student acquires a basic knowledge of the themes that run through contemporary town planning, and of the theories, strategies and tools used by town planners in the interpretation of the built environment and in the design of its transformations.

Course contents

The Urban Planning Technique module/teaching is an integral part of the Urban Planning Laboratory. Lessons in Urban Planning Technique will take place in the classroom, jointly between the two laboratories, and will include contributions from Italian and international researchers, lecturers and professionals in open/seminar mode.

Lectures (20 hours)
Within the Laboratory, the Urban Planning Technique module will develop theoretical topics to support the design exercise. The lectures will deal with: thematic in-depth studies useful for a better definition of the phases of analysis, strategy construction and project; overviews and in-depth studies on the themes emerging in the contemporary urban debate on urban and territorial regeneration. In particular, the programme will address the following topics: the design of territorial and green networks; the design and policies for sustainable mobility and cycling; the regeneration of urban public space: placemaking, experimentation and temporary uses; the design of the healthy city: green areas and active mobility spaces; participation in urban regeneration practices: neighbourhood workshops, urban innovation; representation in urban planning.
The theoretical lectures will be complemented by seminars in which professionals and technicians from the public administration will be invited, with the aim of illustrating application cases in support of the Laboratory project.

Exercise and revision (20 hours)
The course envisages an in-depth study by the students of a freely chosen theme, analysed through the critical analysis of an urban project case study relevant to the design themes developed in the Workshop. The activity envisages two collective discussions on progress (in correspondence with the joint workshops of the Urban Planning Workshops at the conclusion of the analysis and strategy definition phase), during which each student will present his/her progress. The final delivery will take place at the examination discussion of the Laboratories.


Calvino I., Le città invisibili (Invisible Cities), Editore: Einaudi, Anno edizione: 1972

Clément G., Manifesto del terzo paesaggio (Manifeste du Tiers-Paysage), Editore: Quodlibet, Macerata, Anno edizione: 2005

De Rossi, A. (2018) (a cura di), Riabitare l'Italia. Le aree interne tra abbandoni e riconquiste, Roma, Donzelli

EcoWebTown. Journal of Sustainable Design, Vol. 1, n. 19. Dossier: Il progetto urbano per i centri minori. Opinioni a confronto. Disponibile on-line: https://ecowebtown.com/

Fontanari E., Piperata G. (2017) (a cura di), Agenda Re-cycle. Proposte per reinventare la città, Il Mulino, Bologna

Gabellini, P. (2018), Le mutazioni dell'urbanistica, Carocci, Roma

Gehl, J. (2010), Cities for People, Island Press, London

Magnaghi A.(2010), Il progetto locale, Bollati Boringhieri Bologna

Palermo P.C., Ponzini D., Place-making and Urban Development: New Challanges for Contemporary Planning and Design, Editore: Routledge, Anno edizione: 2015

Secchi, B.(2001), Prima lezione di Urbanistica , Laterza, Bari

Vento-Politecnico di Milano (Pileri, P., Giacomel, A., Giudici, D., Munno, C., Moscarelli, R., Bianchi, F.) (2018) (a cura di), Ciclabili e cammini per narrare territori. Arte design e bellezza dilatano il progetto di infrastrutture leggere, Ediciclo Editore

Teaching methods

The module consists of face-to-face lectures, open lectures with researchers, lecturers and practitioners who will discuss topics of relevance to the workshop, and seminars to check the progress of the students' work, conducted in association with the workshop lecturers and tutors.

Assessment methods

The module is an integral part of the Urban Planning Laboratory, with which it shares the verification of learning of the concepts covered during the semester through seminars and public discussion with the class.
Participating students will develop individually throughout the course the analysis of a case study, on a project theme chosen on the basis of its relevance to the elements and themes of the project they intend to study in depth. The format for returning the work will be a 3 A3 file. This exercise will be deepened, updated and revised during the semester and presented during the final examination. It is necessary to acquire the techniques for reading and interpreting urban and territorial contexts in order to carry out the Urban Planning Laboratory.
Oral examination
1) The exercise carried out, revised during the course of the year and returned by means of A3 sheets, is preparatory to admission to the exam. The grade awarded (with marks from 0 to 5) contributes to defining the final assessment.
The exercise assessment will be awarded taking into consideration the exercise assigned and the discussion of the theoretical texts and topics covered in class. Each criterion will be awarded 0 to 1 point.
- autonomy in the choice of topic
- completeness of descriptive information
- presence of bibliographical sources
- argumentative capacity of the critical analysis and transferable elements in the project
- graphic coherence
2) The final oral examination will cover the course content and the bibliographical references included in the official list that will be provided at the beginning of the course and uploaded on the online platform. The examination will take place in an integrated manner with the Urban Planning Laboratory and will include the verification of the theoretical topics covered in class, argued on the basis of the project presented. The final examination will require the delivery of the A3 exercises produced during the module, and the discussion of their contents with reference to the theoretical topics covered.

Teaching tools

Classroom lectures with multimedia presentations deposited and consultable via the university distribution lists (AMS Campus).
Laboratory activities supported by cartographic materials and in-depth thematic studies that can be consulted via the university distribution lists (AMS Campus).
Department library as support for bibliographic research activities, specific documentation and in-depth studies.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Martina Massari


Quality education Affordable and clean energy Sustainable cities Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.