97189 - Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Signal Transduction Topography

Academic Year 2022/2023

Learning outcomes

• Knowledge and understanding of the anatomical variations of the systems and the molecular basis of morphogenesis, including with regard to pathological situations, particularly with regard to regenerative medicine. • Ability to gather and interpret relevant data for independent judgment in the field of human morphological sciences. • Ability to transfer the knowledge gained in the field of morphology to a wide biomedical audience. • Learning concepts and advanced technologies that will allow to better understand the topics of study of the following years.

Course contents

Analysis of the molecular and clinical features of signal transduction systems in correlation with cellular localization and pathologies


Scientific articles published in international journals and online sources

Teaching methods


Assessment methods

Multiple choice test including questions of all teaching activities of the Course. Each answer may carry a positive or negative grade, so that choosing half plus one of the questions will result in a good grade

Teaching tools

Selected slides, online sources and PubMed articles

Office hours

See the website of Matilde Yung Follo