37193 - Histology and Embryology 2

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 5906)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student is able to tackle specific biomedical questions in relation to regulatory mechanisms and their alterations, even at the cellular and ultrastructural level. In particular, the student acquires preliminary skills that favor an interdisciplinary approach preparatory to the continuation of the study of evidence-based medicine.

Course contents

The mature germ cells, fertilization, phases of the interaction process between sperm and oocyte and their structural modifications. First week of development Modes and significance of segmentation. Compaction, hatching, blastocyst formation, bilaminar embryo, syncytium and cytotrophoblast. Evolution of the blastocyst Formation of the amnion and primary yolk sac. Development of the polar syncytiotrophoblast, lacunar stage, histotrophic nutrition. Formation of the mesoderm and extraembryonic coelom. The attack peduncle. Formation of the definitive yolk sac and its significance for hematopoiesis. Second week of development Implant Structure of the uterine mucosa at the time of implantation. Decidual reaction. Plant locations. Evolution of the embryonic adnexa Evolution of the trophoblast and formation of primary, secondary and tertiary chorionic villi. The primitive and full-term human placenta: structure and functions. Third week of development Gastrulation Formation of embryonic sheets. Derivatives of the ectoderm, mesoderm and entoderm. Fourth week Folding of the embryo and the philotypic stage. Cephalic, caudal and lateral folds. Formation of the umbilical cord. Derivatives of the endoderm: development of the face, development of the branchial apparatus. Derivatives of the paraxial mesoderm (the somites) and of the lateral mesoderm: skeletal and muscular system. Derivatives of the ectoderm: notes on the development of the neural tube. Embryonic and fetal appendages, morphological and functional aspects.


Armato U. ed altri autori EMBRIOLOGIA UMANA Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi
De Felice M. ed altri autori EMBRIOLOGIA UMANA Ed. Piccin
Barbieri M., Carinci P. EMBRIOLOGIA Ed. CEA Rosati P Embriologia Generale dell'uomo edi-ermes

Teaching methods

The course consists of 2 CFU of Embryology lessons which aim to make the student acquire the topics described in detail.

Assessment methods

The assessment consists of a preliminary practical test with which the teacher will be able to verify the candidate's ability to recognize histological preparations. Failure to reach the sufficiency precludes the continuation of the exam. The oral exam will focus on topics of Cytology, Histology and Embryology according to the published program relating to the teaching of Histology and Embryology 1 and Histology and Embryology 2. Insufficiency even in one of the three disciplines is not admitted. In the event of failure to pass the oral test, the candidate will have the right to maintain the result achieved in the practical test or alternatively take it again. The mark of the practical test remains valid until the exam in July 2022. The final mark, in the opinion of the commission, will take into account the weighted average of the results achieved. It is mandatory to register on Almaesami.

Teaching tools

The slides, which are only a track for the exam, will be accessible online.

Office hours

See the website of Catia Giovannini


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.