97212 - Clinical Nutrition in the Intensure Patient

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Loris Pironi
  • Credits: 1
  • SSD: MED/49
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

The student will have achieved the following educational objectives: Knowledge and understanding: the theoretical bases of artificial nutrition (indications, implementation, monitoring and complications of artificial nutrition); Application of knowledge and understanding: prescribing a nutritional program in collaboration with the other involved professionals (nurses, pharmacists, dieticians); Autonomy in assessment and evaluation: critical evaluation of individual clinical cases, with regard to indications, contraindications, expected results from nutritional therapy; Communicative skills: informing patients, family and caregivers about the nutritional therapy, collaborating with the other involved professionals; Learning skills: developing skills that enable them to continue their training on these topics once the course is completed

Course contents

The course will be held in mixed modality (face-to-face and virtual)

Dates, times, venue, topics of the lectures (teachers)

Monday 17 January 2022, Aula Magna Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hall 4

14-18: malnutrition and catabolism, cachexia and sarcopenia, evaluation of the nutritional status, indications for medical nutritional therapy (enteral and parenteral artificial nutrition and oral nutritional supplements); elaboration and monitoring of the medical nutritional therapy plan; the refeeding syndrome (Prof. L. Pironi)

Monday 24 January 2022, Aula Pisi, Pad 11

14-18: nutritional therapy in the cancer; chronic intestinal failure, short bowel syndrome and artificial home nutrition (Prof. L. Pironi)

Monday 31 January 2022, Aula Pisi, Pad 11

14-18: nutritional therapy in critically ill patients; nutritional therapy in organ failure (renal, hepatic and respiratory) (Prof. L. Pironi)

Monday 7 February 2022, Aula Pisi, Pad 11

14-18: vascular accesses and mixtures for parenteral nutrition; the complications of parenteral nutrition (Prof. Pironi)

Prof M. Di Simone module (see the teacher's website)

Enteral artificial nutrition 1. accesses for enteral artificial nutrition 2. admixures for enteral nutrition 3. the complications of enteral nutrition 4. perioperative nutrition and the ERAS protocol (early recovery after surgery)


Guidelines of the Società Italiana di Nutrizione Artificiale e Metabolismo (SINPE), free download at http://www.sinpe.org/ (into Area Servizi)

Guideliens of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, free download at http://www.espen.org/

Teaching methods

Lectures and discussion of clinical cases

Assessment methods

Discussion of clinical cases

Teaching tools

Slides, gudelines, interactive discussion

Office hours

See the website of Loris Pironi


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.