75302 - Advanced Physiotherapy - (RN)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Physiotherapy (cod. 8476)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the students will be able to apply knowledge and comprehension about the disease of the periferical nervous system (PNS) as well as degenerative disease of the first and second motor neuron that could have indications for a physical therapy treatment. The students will be able to evaluate the neurological disease and formulate rehabilitative hypotesis, then plan an intervention of physical therapy

Course contents

General elements of neuroanatomy of the PNS

- Clinical dates of the PNS disease and their pathogenesis

- Classification of PNS disease

- Instruments for a clinical diagnosis

- Electromyography; Intensity/time curve; Conduction velocity

- The clinical signs

- The observation of the patient: active movements, tonus, trofismus; principal osteondineus reflexes; sensibility tests

- The axonal regeneration

- Indications for a functional differential assessment

- Cranial nerves diseases: clinical aspects and treatment indication, in particular for 7th c.n.

- Cervical spine and brachial plexus diseases: -anatomy, miotomy, sclerotomy of cervical spine roots; -the thoracic outlet syndrome; -palpation, clinical tests and osteotentineus reflexes of the principal cervical nerves

- Lumbar spine and lumbar and sacral plexus diseases: -anatomy, miotomy, sclerotomy of lumbar and sacral spine roots; -palpation, clinical tests and osteotentineus reflexes of the principal lumbar and sacral nerves

- dismetabolic neuropathy: the Guillan barrè syndrome: etiopathogenesis, clinical aspects and rehabilitative treatment with indications for physiotherapy

- Ereditary and degenerative neuropaty: Charcot Marie Tooth; Dejerine Sottas: etiopathogenesis, clinical aspects and rehabilitative treatment with indications for physiotherapy

- Viral neuropathy: Poliomyelitis: etiopathogenesis, clinical aspects and rehabilitative treatment with indications for physiotherapy

- other degenertive disease: Amyotrophyc Lateral Sclerosis: etiopathogenesis, clinical aspects and rehabilitative treatment with indications for physiotherapy

- Assessement indications for the patient with PNS disease

- Principal tecniques for an intervention of physiotherapy in PNS disease

Pain: the pain of nerves and of other structures; how to describe and to collect the symptom; focus on chronic pain


Kandel E.R., Schwartz J.H, Jessell T.M., Principi di Neuroscienze, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana Milano.

Kendall H.O., Kendall F.P., Wadsworth G.E. I muscoli: esame e studio funzionale, Piccin Nuova Libraria.

Butler D.S., Mobilizzazione del sistema nervoso, Masson ED

Netter F.H., Atlante di Anatomia Umana

Butler D., Moseley L., Explain pain, Noigroup publications, Adelaide, Australia, 2013

Barbari V., Ramponi N., Scienza e clinica del dolore, Fisioscience, 2021

Teaching methods

Will be provided: frontal lessons; practical lessons with interaction between students; discussions over videotaped clinical cases.

Assessment methods

Oral examination on theorical and practical skills. Before the examination day, the student have to prepare and send a written presentation of a real clinical situation of a patient affected by a problem in the periferical nervous system.

Teaching tools

Will be conducted discussions about clinical cases (with PNS affections) videotaped during their treatment. If available, patients with PNS affections will be in the class for a treatment demonstration realised by the teacher.

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Piraccini