66019 - Certification and Traceability of Food of Animal Origin

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Safety And Quality In Animal Production (cod. 5728)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student learns:

  • basic principles on European food safety legislation;
  • basic principles on internal traceability and food chain traceability;
  • principles, terms of certifications management;
  • EU law on food labelling.

    In particular the student is able to:

  • understand food traceability systems;
  • understand and work within certification systems on quality, safety and traceability management in food chain.

Course contents

Introduction to the food safety concept: food biological, chemical and physical hazards and their main sources.

Reg. CE 178/2002: in particular articles about general principles and requirements of food law (EFSA, RASFF, risk analysis, precautionary principle, food and feed safety requirements and traceability).

Basic principles on internal traceability and food chain traceability

Standard organisations and different certifications

UNI EN ISO 9001 – Quality management

UNI EN ISO 22000 – Food safety management

UNI EN ISO 22005 – Traceability in the feed and food chain

International standards as BRC and IFS

EU law on food labelling

Labelling and traceability of meat, seafood, egg and milk products.


It is not necessary to purchase specific textbook.

The course material is available to students in the https://virtuale.unibo.it/course/view.php?id=19189 or via the teacher’s website https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/teresa.gazzotti/didattica

The latest consolidated versions of the European laws discussed in the program are available on the site https://eur-lex.europa.eu/

Teaching methods

Oral lectures.

Active learning and group work under tutorial supervision

Guided tours in food companies or follow-up meeting with professionals in the field

Assessment methods

The evaluation of the student consists in one voluntary on-going test and a final oral test.

The on-going test do not limit the admission to the oral examination, but it is considered for the grade evaluation.

The on-going test consists of a group work through which the ability to critically investigate a given topic and the capacity for exposure using an appropriate terminology are evaluated. The mark is given to the group and the teacher forms the groups. The mark is expressed in thirtieths and contributes for a fifth to the final mark.

The oral exam consists of questions on three topics developed during the course and has an average duration of about 25-30 minutes.

Exhaustive preparation on topics addressed in the course, critical analysis and connection skills, full command of specific terminology and argumentation skills: 30-30L.

Preparation on a large number of topics, critical analysis skills; command of specific terminology: 25-29.

Preparation on a limited number of topics, limited analytical skills, correct language: 20-24.

Preparation on a very limited number of topics, analytical skills emerging only with the help of the teacher, overall correct language: 18-19.

During the exam is not allowed the use of any support material, such as textbooks, notes, notebooks and other electronic devices.

The course “Certification and traceability of food of animal origin” is part of the integrated course “Food Safety” together with the course “Toxicology of Residues in Food-Producing Animals and their Products”; for this reason, the final mark will be calculated on weighted average of each course’s mark.

The student has the right to refuse the verbalization of a proposed positive grade at least once.


Teaching tools

Projector and personal computer

Office hours

See the website of Teresa Gazzotti


Good health and well-being Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.