13338 - Contemporary Italian Literature (A-D)

Academic Year 2022/2023

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course the student has acquired a working knowledge of wide areas of twentieth-century literary history, with special emphasis on the relation between literature and historical, social, anthropological, and more broadly cultural phenomena. Study is assisted by secondary literature and face-to-face tuition and covers close reading of the text as well as problems of form, structure, composition, and reception.

Course contents

The course focuses on the analysis of the Twentieth century through texts that address the problem of the century’s periodisation. An investigation that will be mainly led by studying the relationship between two narrative forms, the novel and the short story.

The course is divided into two different sections. The first module (I° modulo) is going to explore, on one hand, how Leopardi and Manzoni are seen by Twentieth Century’s writers (with particular focus on Manganelli as a reader of Operette morali, and on Calvino and Sciascia as readers of Promessi sposi). On the other hand, is going to analyse the decisive turn between 1960s and 1970s. The second module (II° modulo) is going to focus on Calvino, Celati, Manganelli, Parise and Del Giudice as short stories’ writers.

Attending students will follow the analyses conducted by the lecturer, studying the texts indicated in the program.

For non-attending students it will be mandatory to read all the texts indicated in the program, with particular focus on the study of the manual Cent’anni di letteratura italiana (1910-2010), Torino, Einaudi, 2021, ed. by M.A. Bazzocchi. During the lectures the professor may indicate other essays that will be included among the downloadable contents.



I e II modulo:

analisi e intepretazione dei seguenti testi:

1. G. Manganelli, Centuria (Adelphi)

2. I. Calvino, Le città invisibili (Mondadori)

3. G. Celati, Narratori delle pianure (Feltrinelli)

4.G. Parise, Sillabari (Adelphi)

5. D. Del Giudice, Lo stadio di Wimbledon (Einaudi)

6. G. Celati, Conversazioni del vento volatore (Quodlibet: in particolare i capp. Narrare come attività pratica, Elogio della novella, Documentari imprevedibili come i sogni, Sui luoghi e il lavoro con Luigi Ghirri, Sulla fantasia, Riscrivere ecc., Letteratura come accumulo di roba sparsa ecc.)

7. P.P.Pasolini, Decameròn (sceneggiatura e film, commentato a lezione)

Gli studenti che portano il corso da 6 cfu e frequentano il primo modulo dovranno conoscere e saranno interrogati sui testi 1.2.3.

Per gli altri (12 cfu) è obbligatoria la conoscenza di tutti i testi.

Bibliografia critica:

M. Belpoliti, Settanta (Einaudi). Per chi porta il primo modulo: cap. IV, Nella grotta di Alì Babà, cap. V, LA retta e il tapiro. Per chi porta entrambi i moduli: i diue capp. indicati e in aggiunta cap. VI, La retta e il cuore.

M. A. Bazzocchi, Cento. Un grattacielo di racconti (il Mulino, 2022)

Teaching methods

The course is based on the reading, the analysis and the discussion of the literary texts in biblioghaphy.

Assessment methods

Assessment consists of a viva voce examination aiming to assess the knowledge and critical skills acquired by the candidate during the course.

1. First-class marks will be awarded to candidates who demonstrate an ability to analyse texts in depth and to produce an organic overview of the topics covered in the course. Overall mark between 27 and 30 cum laude (high linguistic ability is required).

2. A mostly mnemonic knowledge of the subject, analytical skills lacking depth, and correct but not always apposite expression will result in a modest mark. Overall mark between 23 and 26.

3. Elementary knowledge, superficial understanding, poor analytical skills, and inapposite expression will lead to a pass or only slightly higher mark. Overall mark between 18 and 22.

4. Gaps in the candidate’s knowledge, inapposite language, and inadequate engagement with the secondary literature offered in the course will result in a fail mark.

Office hours

See the website of Marco Antonio Bazzocchi