13275 - Latin Language (1) (M-Q)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Humanities (cod. 8850)

Learning outcomes

Knowledge to be obtained by the end of the course 1) the student knows elements of phonetics of the Latin language 2) he knows morphology, syntax and basic vocabulary of the Latin language 3) he knows some basic elements of the history of the Latin language aimed to provide a full understanding of the main morphological structures. Skills to be obtained by the end of the course: 1) the student can pronounce the Latin language correctly 2) he can recognize and describe the main morphosyntatic structures 3) he can decline nouns, pronouns, adjectives and conjugate verbs correctly 4) he can translate and analyze previously seen texts.

Course contents


A Catalog of Vices. Readings from Valerius Maximus, “Memorable facts and sayings”, IX.1-10. Part of the texts will be read ant translated during the course; for the remaining part, linguistic and interpretative materials will be provided. A detailed list of all passages examined at lesson, and requested for the exam, will be available on Virtuale.


morphology, lexicon, syntax.


from Cornelius Nepos, The viris illustribus: full reading (in the original language) of Praefatio and Vita Attici


vd. Bibliography

Non-attending students are required to read M. Fruyt, Word-Formation in Classical Latin, in A companion to the Latin language, edited by James Clackson, Maiden (MA)-Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp. 157-175 (available on Virtuale, among the teaching materials).

Students intending to choose this course as a single exam or outside the options of the course syllabus are kindly required to contact the lecturer BEFORE making their choice definitive.

First lesson of the course: January 31st



- First semester: basic-level seminars (compulsory for OFA students).

- Second semester:

1. Online classes on Cornelius Nepos De viris illustribus (Praefatio and Vita Attici), by Dr. L. Galli: Thursday 17.00-18.30. First lesson: 9th February

2. Online classes on Latin Basic Syntax, by Dr. S. Martino: Tuesday, 13.00 - 14.3'. Firs lesson: 7th February.

Both seminars will be delivered online.


I. Texts of the course:

The reference Latin text is that established by J. Briscoe (ed.), Valerius Maximus, Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri IX. Vol. II: Books VII-IX, Stutgardiae et Lipsiae 1998; the passages to be translated will be included among the course materials. A printed volume of Valerius Maximus' work, with Latin text and Italian translation, might be useful: see e.g. Valerio Massimo, Detti e fatti memorabili, a cura di Rino Faranda, Torino (UTET) 2009.


I. Dionigi – E. Riganti – L. Morisi, Il latino, Bari, Laterza 2011, or Verba et res. Morfosintassi e lessico del latino, 2 voll., Bari, Laterza, 1999.

A. Traina – G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario, Bologna, Pàtron, 1995, capp. I-VI (on peculiar topics of phonetics, morphology, syntax)


Cornelius Nepos, De viris illustribus: as for Praefatio and Vita Attici are concerned, a translation into Italian, with commentary on grammar will be available among the teaching material.


Students are required to read one of the following essays:

  • H. Westphal, “Imperium suum paulatim destruxit”: The Concept of “moderatio” in Valerius Maximus’ “Facta et dicta memorabilia” 4.1, “Acta Classica” 58, 2015, pp. 191-208;
  • R. Langlands, ‘Reading for the Moral’ in Valerius Maximus: the Case of “severitas”, “CCJ” 54, 2008, pp. 160-187;
  • R. Langlands, Roman « exempla » and situation ethics: Valerius Maximus and Cicero « de Officiis », "JRS" 101 (2011) 100-122.

Teaching methods

Lecture is the teaching approach adopted for the special focus course;
interactive lessons are used in the seminars: here the students are more active participants to the learning process, which includes exercises and periodical tests.

Assessment methods

The exam has two parts:

- a written multiple choice Latin test, performed on the computer, concerning morphology and elemets of syntax.

N.B. The written test is compulsory and must be overcome before the oral exam of Lingua Latina. A negative mark prevents from accessing to the viva voce examination. The test remains valid for 6 months. The test is passed with 18/30.

- A viva voce examination: the students will be tested in Latin phonetics, morphology and syntax through the reading and translation of the Latin texts dealt with in class and listed in the program.

- the exam can't be divided into parts.

N.B. The assessment methods, in particular the written test, may modified if requested by the Covid emergency.

Assessment guidelines:

- failing grades: lack of basic linguistic knowledge (phonetics, morphology, basic syntax) and inability to produce a correct translation and a correct interpretation of the texts.

- passing grades: proficiency in the basic linguistic skills; translation and interpretation of texts mostly correct, but inaccurate and lacking in autonomy.

- positive grades: language proficiency at an intermediate level; translation and interpretation of the texts fully correct, but not always accurate and autonomous.

- excellent grades: language proficiency at an upper-mid level; translation and interpretation of the texts not only correct but performed with autonomy and precision.

Teaching tools

1. Online teaching materials (e.g. slides)
2. Seminars (cf. course content) aimed to the introduction to the bases of the Latin language (phonetics, morphology and syntax) and to the texts belonging to the program (Suetonius).
3. Latin Video lessons, available at https://virtuale.unibo.it/course/view.php?id=34645

Office hours

See the website of Luigi Pirovano


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.