- Docente: Luca Cristofolini
- Credits: 6
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in
Mechanical Engineering (cod. 5724)
Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Electronic Engineering (cod. 0934)
Campus of Cesena
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Biomedical Engineering (cod. 9266)
Learning outcomes
Fundamentals of mechanics of living tissues. After attending the course the student will be able to:
- Understand the mechanical properties and time-dependence of living tissues.
- Develop and analyze experiments for mechanical testing biological tissues.
Course contents
Recalling concepts of mechanics of materials:
- Elasticity, plasticity, viscoelasticity, pseudoelasticity
- Failure criteria (brittle, ductile, viscoelastic, fatigue)
Structure and composition of living tissues:
- Structural components
- Structure and organization and properties of tissues
Classification and description of main tissues (based on function; based on mechanical properties):
- Bone
- Ligaments
- Tendons
- Cartilage
- Menisci
Mechanical properties of tissues and response to mechanical stress:
- Function, structure, mechanical properties
- Elasticity, viscoelasticity
- Mechanical strength and trauma of tissues
- Growth, modelling, healing, and remodelling
Methods for mechanical testing of biological tissues:
- Problems related to testing (measurement error, error propagation, design of the experiment)
- Types of test (tensile, bending compression, friction, creep, hysteresis, viscosity, etc).
- Measurement devices
Laboratory activity:
The course is based on a series of weekly laboratory testing (some numerical, but mainly experimental, in-vitro). Experiments will be carried out measuring biomechanical properties of tissue specimens and of biomechanical systems. Each student must prepare a technical report for each of the experiments. The report must be short and exhaustive, covering: introduction and goals of the experiments; description of specimens and testing devices; presentation of results (including analysis of errors); discussion of results and conclusive remarks.
The course relies on a set of slides intended to cover the entire program. The slides are made available to the students during the course through the UniBo web services. They can be downloaded from the online services of UniBo Insegnamenti Online (UniBo students only)
Further reading (optional):
- Montevecchi F., Redaelli A. “Biomeccanica. Analisi multiscala di tessuti biologici” Patron Pubbl. 2007
- Fung Y.C. “Biomechanics: Mechanical properties of living tissues” Springer-Verlag Publ., 1981 (properties of tissues)
- Fung Y.C. “Biomechanics: Motion, flow, stress and growth” Springer-Verlag Publ., 1990 (tissue adaptation and healing)
- Beer F.P., Russel J.E. "Scienza delle costruzioni. Introduzione alla meccanica dei materiali" McGraw-Hill Publ. (mechanics of materials, with examples)
- Nordin M., Frankel V.H. "Basic biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system" Lea & Febiger Publ. (exercises and examples in biomechanics)
- Black J., Hastings G. "Handobook of biomaterial properties" Chapman & Hall Publ. (properties of tissues)
- Bronzino J.D. "The Biomedical engineering handbook" CRC Press - IEEE Press (general handbook)
- Palastanga et al. "Anatomy and human movement" Butterworth-Heinemann Publ. (functional anatomy)
- Pietrabissa R. "Biomateriali per protesi e organi artificiali" Patron ed. (biomaterials)
Teaching methods
The theoretical lectures are supported and complemented by a series of weekly experiments in the lab.
Requirements to be enable to attend the labs
Because of the kind of laboratory activity planned, the labs can be attended only by those students who took the relevant safety courses (modules 1 and 2 e-learning) and attended module 3.
Assessment methods
Oral exam (covering the teaching program, the lab experiments). Please contact me for details
Teaching tools
Lectures with projector and chalkboard. Experimental laboratory work includes the use of tools for the preparation of in-vitro tissue specimens, and of machines for material testing.
Office hours
See the website of Luca Cristofolini

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.