85572 - Diagnostic Imaging in Physiotherapy (IM)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Physiotherapy (cod. 8476)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student acquires basic knowledge on the use of the main radiological investigation techniques. It is able to read diagnostic imaging investigations (traditional radiology, CT, ultrasound, MRI) referable to alterations of physiotherapeutic interest in some parts of the body.

Course contents

Interactive teacher-learner lesson on general information, main indications and diagnostic skills of investigation techniques in traditional radiology, ultrasound, CT (with soft tissue-bone tissue visualization filter; MPR and 3D reconstructions), MRI (scans-sequences-parameters).

"Correctness criteria" and basic knowledge to evaluate a radiological, ultrasound, CT and MRI study.

Radiological anatomy: joints, skeletal segments, muscles and tendons.

Importance of the clinical question.

Typical radiological signs and basic techniques for the study of inflammatory, traumatic and degenerative pathology of the SHOULDER, KNEE, ELBOW, ANKLE, SPINE and PELVIS


  • Imaging dell'apparato osteoarticolare
    Resnick D., Kransdorf M.J.
  • RM dell' Apparato Muscolo-Scheletrico
    T.H Berquist
    Verduci Editore
  • Diagnostica per immagini in traumatologia
    U. Albisinni
    Aulo Gaggi Editore
  • Ecografia dell'Apparato Muscolo-Scheletrico
    Nicolas Sans – Franck Lapégue
    Verduci Editore

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons

Assessment methods

Interactive interview with the teacher; test in progress

Teaching tools

PC - video projector

Office hours

See the website of Luca Nannoni