Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress (cod. 9228)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students – they will know the meaning of empowerment and active citizenship – they will know the theorical basis and the referring models of empowerment and of the activa citizenship – they will know good practices of educational actions to promote empowerment and active citizenship – they are able to carry out the work of several local sinergies in order to promote an empowerment perspective for people and communities and the enhancement of encounters with the others, of solidarity. -they will be able to promote the partecipation to active citizenship and to start empowerment operative strategies- they will be able to analyse the debat about the empowerment and the active citizenship topics as main matters of the complex changes of the current society.

Course contents

The course faces the processes of empowerment and active citizenship education, as a possibility of prevention, transformation, social and cultural innovation. These notions are the reading key to face a reflection about the society change and about the need of being and feeling active and responsible citizens, in condition to make choises, in the global, multcultural, individualistic and changeling context.

In this analysis, the concept of citizenship will be addressed in its dual but integrated interpretation: the civic education, as a system of conventions, laws, rules that characterize a community (in English this dimension is recognized by the term civicness) and citizenship as identities that leads the subject to identify with culture and values of the community (in English is citizenship).

The main theme of the course is made of a didactical concept based on learning processes focused on real life, on experiences, those have as final aim the empowerment of personal autonomy, the acknowledgement of self-identity, the skill to set up changing processes and existencial planning.

In particular, the course faces some issues that require special attention:

- the concept of Active European Citizenship. We analyze the strategies and tools that characterize the new European programmes, including "Europe for Citizens 2014-2020". Empowerment and active citizenship, human rights and social solidarity, political participation and community are important key words in projects and ideas on "Active European Citizenship".

- The cultural accessibility as a right of citizenship. We will analyze strategies and tools related to the languages of art that encourage a cultural approach to overcome the physical, relational barriers, or related to skills. These social, economic, cultural differences threaten to marginalize those who, for certain characteristics (disability, social fragility, length ...), struggling to approach to the cultural opportunities. In this perspective we will analyze experiences related to the theater with the community and for social inclusion, creative and innovative processes able to give to citizens, the ability to regain a reflective leading role, to rebuild social cohesion, in the recognition of plural citizenships and experiment with active forms of cultural participation.

- Gender citizenship. We will examine tools and strategies that promote empowerment processes in a peer perspective and overcoming gender discrimination. The concept of "gender citizenship " is often synonymous with "unfinished citizenship", referring to conditions in which gender becomes a cause of exclusion, marginalization, violence, discrimination by the society.


Compulsory textes for all students:

G. Moro, Cittadinanza attiva e qualità della democrazia, Milano, Carocci, 2013 (esclusa la PARTE TERZA)

L. Dallago, Che cos'è l'empowerment, Milano, Carocci, 2006

E. Manzini, Politiche del quotidiano, Città di Castello (PG), Edizioni di Comunità, 2018

Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:

F. Faloppa, #Odio. Manuale di resistenza alla violenza delle parole, Milano, Utet, 2020.

A. Quarta e M. Spanò (a cura di), Beni comuni 2.0. Contro-egemonia e nuove istituzioni, Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Mimesis, 2016

L. Gobbi, F. Zanetti (a cura di), Teatri re-esistenti. Confronti su teatro e cittadinanze, Pisa, Titivillus, 2011

S. Rodotà, Il diritto di avere diritti, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2013

S. Pasta, Razzismi 2.0. Analisi socio-educativa dell'odio online, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2018

E. Ostanel, Spazi fuori dal comune. Rigenerare, includere, innovare, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2017

H. Jenkins, Culture partecipative e competenze digitali. Media education per il XXI secolo, Milano, Guerini e Associati, 2010.

G. Priulla, C'è differenza. Identità di genere e linguaggi: storie, corpi, immagini e parole, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2013

G. Priulla, La libertà difficile delle donne. Ragionando di corpi e di poteri, Genova, Settenove, 2016

Cretella, C. (a cura di), Generi in formazione. L'impatto delle didattica universitaria sulla cittadinanza di genere, Cagli (PU), Settenove, 2022

B. Pinelli, Migranti e rifugiate.Antropologia, genere e politica, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2019

AA.VV., Guida al modello FARO. Salute mentale e supporto psicosociale a Minori Migranti Non Accompagnati e a famiglie con bambini in prima accoglienza, Fondazione Terre des Hommes Italia, 2017 Scaricabile dal link: https://terredeshommes.it/dnload/GuidaFARO-2017.pdf


Erasmus students are kindly request to contact Prof. ssa Federica Zanetti to agree with her a specific programme.

Teaching methods

The course is based on a participatory and active teaching approach. The classroom becomes a place more and more focused on teaching methods and strategies able to encourage and facilitate the learning process in their link with the territory, with what's beyond the classroom. Lectures will be integrated by deepening classes and active role of the students in the analysis of the problems and innovative experiences. Students will be involved through discussions, case studies (also presented as privileged witnesses and experts), cooperative group-works.

Assessment methods

The exam will consist of an oral and individual examination (with a vote expressed in thirtieths).

Teaching tools

During the lectures, technogical devices and material for teamwork will be used. The lectures will be integrated with documentaries and films and deepening classes.

Office hours

See the website of Federica Zanetti


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.