79427 - international Agricultural Policies

Academic Year 2022/2023

Course contents

Module 1

1. Environmental Economics (8 h):

  • welfare economics: efficiency and equity, market failures;
  • environmental economics and the commons.

2. Environmental Policies (10 h):

  • environmental policies: principles, criteria and aims;
  • environmental policies: administrative, economic and voluntary measures;
  • comparative analysis of environmental policies;
  • sustainable development: concepts and prospects.

3. Agricultural and Agri-environmental Policies (12 h):

  • agricultural policies reasons and purposes: problems, values and opportunities in agriculture;
  • agricultural policy measures;
  • agri-environmental policy measures.

Module 2

1. Rural development and bioenergy (10 h):

  • rural development: definition and role of the agricultural sector;
  • rural development policy: objectives and tools;
  • city-region food systems, short food supply chains, food sovereignty: definitions, theories, approaches.

2. Analysing sustainability (8 h):

  • life cycle assessment (elements);
  • life cycle costing;
  • social life cycle assessment;
  • tools to measure environmental, economic and social impacts;

3. Case studies (10 h):

  • analysing food system sustainability: food losses and waste;
  • analysing food system sustainability: application of life cycle analysis
  • analysing rural and agricultural & food policies


Musu I., Introduzione all’economia dell’ambiente, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2003 (capp. 1, 2 e 5);

Turner K., Pearce D., Bateman I., Economia ambientale, Il Mulino, Bologna 2003 (capp. 1, 2, 5, 8 e 10);

Panella G., Economia e politiche dell’ambiente, Carocci, Roma 2002 (capp. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 e 11);

Mark Shucksmith, David L. Brown. Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies, Routledge, 2016 (capp. 15, 16, 19, 43, 54, 55)

Slides, articles and other material provided during classes.

Teaching methods

Both modules are based on face to face lectures, assignments and group discussions. Specific case studies will be presented and discussed during the classes in order to enhance participation. A similar approach will be utilized also to evaluate and discuss papers, reports, strategies and policy briefs. Simulations and exercises will be eventually utilized.

Assessment methods

There is a joint exam for the two modules therefore it will take place at the end of the classes of both modules.

The oral examination will cover all the units of the two modules of the Integrated Course and will be based on four questions.

Teaching tools

Laptop, beamer, flipchart, others.

Office hours

See the website of Matteo Vittuari

See the website of Marco Setti