04982 - Medical Oncology (A-K)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

At the end of course, student acquires the essential knowledge for optimal clinical management of the patient with cancer. In particular, it learns three main aspects: staging with the diagnostic-therapeutic itinerary, communication with the related psychological aspects and palliation of the patient in an incurable phase of illness. Course consists of a technical part in which the clinical elements are characterized by the choice of drugs and the therapeutic successions integrated with radiotherapy and surgery, and a part with a strong humanistic component in which the treatment of physical pain and other needs of the advanced patient are integrated with the more humanistic aspects of communication with the person and the family, the consideration of advance directives, spirituality and religion.

Course contents

-Basic skills of oncology:

  1. epidemiology and etiopathogenesis
  2. biology and natural history
  3. diagnosis, and staging
  4. therapeutic modalities (adjuvant, neoadjuvant, integrated, palliative)
  5. drug therapy (chemotherapy, hormone therapy, molecular target therapy, immunotherapy)

- Clinical approach to cancer patient

- Clinical classification and therapeutic strategy of the main "big killers":

  1. Lung Cancer
  2. Colorectal cancer
  3. Breast cancer
  4. Neoplasms of the prostate
  5. Skin cancer


- Basic skills on clinical trials in oncology

-Clinical case discussion

-No additional security courses are required


1."MANUALE DI ONCOLOGIA MEDICA", COMU- single edition (2018)

2. "CORE CURRICULUM - ONCOLOGIA CLINICA", 2° edition, Bianco - De Placido - Tortora - Conte, McGraw-Hill (2015)

3. "ONCOLOGIA MEDICA", 2° edition, Fortunato Ciardiello, Ildeson-Gnocchi (2017)

4. "ONCOLOGIA: principi e pratica", DeVita - Hellmann - Lawrence - Rosenberg, Piccin (2017)

- Slide

Popular books

1. L’imperatore del male. Una biografia del cancroSiddhartha Mukherjee, Neri Pozza Editore, 2011

2. Capire il cancro: conoscerlo, curarlo, guarire Lucio Luzzatto, Rizzoli 2006

3. Da bambino avevo un sogno. Tra ricerca e cura, la mia lotta al tumore Umberto Veronesi, Mondadori 2002

4. I numeri del cancro in Italia 2019 ( File pdf : https://www.aiom.it/i-numeri-del-cancro-in-italia/)

Teaching methods

Lectures and/or teams platform.

Assessment methods

Final exam: multiple choice quiz (31 questions in 35 minutes, one point for each question, wrong answers are worth 0 as the answers not given) The exam will be cumulative with questions concerning the various modules of the course: anesthesia and pain therapy, radiotherapy, psychology, oncology. In case of refusal / failure of two written tests, the possibility of taking the oral exam will be evaluated. which will include the entire oncology program. The exam can be carried out in person or remotely using teams and EOL.

Teaching tools

lessons, slides, texts, popular books, exercises

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Ardizzoni