31881 - Veterinary Public Health

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course  is to give a good knowledge of veterinary public health topics, with a particular attention to the epidemiology and control of zoonoses. The student is able to deal with veterinary public health issues and independently evaluate possible prevention and control interventions, interacting with the various interlocutors in the context of interprofessional collaboration. He has also acquired the ability to independently investigate new issues, especially in relation to the emergence and re-emergence of zoonoses.

Course contents

The course of Veterinary Public Health is part of the integrated course TRANSMISSIBLE DISEASES AND PUBLIC HEALTH.

The objective of the integrated course is provide the student with :

· Knowledge of etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, symptomatology, diagnosis, prevention and control of infectious diseases, including diseases transmissible to humans (zoonoses), of mammals, poultry and wild and exotic animals;

· Knowledge of the One Health approach to public health and of competences and actions that must be put in place by the vet in order to safeguard public health;

· The ability to carry out clinical and post-mortem investigations on poultry and wild and exotic animals.

The lecturer responsible for the final marking for the integrated course is Prof. Elena Catelli.

Course program:

Veterinary public health concept. Man / animals / environment relationships. National and international institutions attending to veterinary public health. Topics of veterinary public health.

Zoonosis concept. Man and animals as hosts of zoonotic agents. Human lifestyles and activities that influence the epidemiology of zoonoses. The way of transmission of the zoonotic agents. Notifiable zoonoses. Persons at risk. Occupational risks. Emerging and re-emerging zoonoses.Veterinary public health activities of public Veterinary Services. Professional veterinary skills in non-apidemic emergencies. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies. Chlamydioses. West Nile Disease and leishmaniosis: Integrated Surveillance Plans.

The Syllabus of the course unit and the list of EAEVE Day One Competences that the course unit contributes to achieving can be viewed on the dedicated page.


-Battelli G., Baldelli R., Ostanello F., Prosperi S., Eds – Gli animali, l'uomo e l'ambiente. Ruolo sociale della Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria.  Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2013.

--Francesco Tolari, Daniele De Meneghi, Maurizio Mazzei -Manuale di Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria. Editore Il Campano, marzo 2012. EAN: 9788865281154, ISBN: 8865281154.

Teaching materials from the teacher and uploaded by the teacher on the Virtuale patform.

Teaching methods

The teaching consists of traditional lectures. In some of these lectures VPH experts are involved on specific topics.

Assessment methods

Oral examination.

The purpose of the oral exam is to verify the knowledge acquired by the student and his / her ability to make logical-deductive connections.

The evaluation is expressed with a mark out of thirty. The test is passed with a score of at least 18/30. In the case of maximum marks (30/30), honors can be attributed. The student has the right to refuse the verbalization of the proposed positive grade at least once.


Evaluation criteria:

Comprehensive preparation on the topics covered in the course, ability to make autonomous choices of critical analysis and connection, full mastery of specific terminology and ability to argue and self-reflection (30-30L).


Preparation on a large number of topics covered in the course, ability to make autonomous choices of critical analysis, mastery of specific terminology (25-29).


Preparation on a limited number of topics covered in the course and limited capacity for independent analysis; expression in correct language (20-24).


Preparation on a very limited number of topics covered in the course and analytical skills that emerge only with the help of the teacher; expression in an overall correct language (18-19).

The final grade of the I.C. of Communicable Diseases and Public Health represents the synthesis of the final assessments of the different courses that compose it, taking into account the different weight of these teachings. The partial exam grade is valid for 12 months.


Students with DISABILITY or SLD who require adaptations to teaching during the lesson phase or in the final assessment phase, must contact the teacher by email, entering the reference staff of the appropriate DISABILITY or SLD service from which they followed.

Teaching tools

PC projector, overhead projector, slide projector, network connected PC.

Office hours

See the website of Antonietta Di Francesco