69568 - Translation from Italian into Spanish II (Second Language)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Cesar Andres Gonzalez Fernandez
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-LIN/07
  • Language: Spanish
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student, who already knows basic translation tools (such as dictionaries, grammars, corpora, etc.) and methodologies, will use them in a wide range of more complex text types and will recognize and employ the more adequate translation strategies according to the comunicative functions of the texts.

Course contents

  • The course (5 CFU) will be held during the second semester. It will revolve around translation from Italian into Spanish.
  • Activities and tasks such as analysis, documentation, revision practice, methodological comments, etc. will take place following different approaches, according to the specific aim of each unit or text to be translated. Some topics related to translatology will be explored.

  • The texts and materials will be available on Virtuale.


Source texts

The source texts, as well as some other supporting tools, will be available on Virtuale. Other supporting materials are listed below.


Dictionaries, corpora, and online resources


Arqués / Padoan (2012). Il grande dizionario di spagnolo. Bologna: Zanichelli.
CLAVE, Diccionario de uso del español actual (2002). Madrid: Ediciones SM.
Diccionario de Ideas Afines ‹http://infoling.rom.unibe.ch/benot/›
Fundación del Español Urgente ‹http://www.fundeu.es/›
Garzanti (2009), Dizionario di spagnolo. Milano: Garzanti Linguistica.
IATE, InterActive Terminology for Europe, ‹iate.europa.eu›
Moliner, M. (2007) Diccionario de uso del español. Madrid: Gredos (3 ed.).
Real Academia Española Diccionario de la lengua española ‹http://www.rae.es/›
Real Academia Española. Diccionario panhispanico de dudas. ‹https://www.rae.es/dpd/›
Real Academia Española, Corpes, Corpus del español del siglo XXI,http://www.rae.es/recursos/banco-de-datos/corpes-xxi›.
Real Academia Española, CREA, ‹http://www.rae.es/recursos/banco-de-datos/crea›
Tiberii, P. (2012). Il dizionario delle collocazioni. Bologna: Zanichelli.
Trifone, M. (2013). Il Devoto-Oli dei Sinonimi e Contrari. Milano: Le Monnier.
Zingarelli, N. (2013). Vocabolario della lingua italiana. Bologna: Zanichelli.



Basso, S. (2010). Sul tradurre. Esperienze e divagazioni militanti. Milano: Mondadori.
Bazzocchi, G. e Tonin, R. (eds.) (2015). Mi traduci una storia? Riflessioni sulla letteratura per l'infanzia e per ragazzi. Bologna: BUP.
Bricchi, M. (2018). La lingua è un'orchestra. Piccola grammatica italiana per traduttori (e scriventi). Milano: Il Saggiatore.
D'Arcangelo, A. (ed.) (2016). Promuovere la competenza interculturale nella didattica della traduzione, Bologna: BUP.
Hurtado Albir, A. (2001). Traducción y traductología. Introducción a la traductología. Madrid: Cátedra.
Hurtado Albir, A. (2015). Aprender a traducir del francés al español. Competencias y tareas para la iniciación a la traducción. Guía didáctica. Madrid: Edelsa
López, J. & Minett, J. (1997). Manual de traducción inglés-castellano: teoría y práctica. Psicoteca mayor. Diccionarios y manuales
Moya, V. (2004). La selva de la traducción. Madrid: Cátedra.
Mortara Garavelli, B. (2003). Prontuario di punteggiatura. Bari: Laterza.
Nord, Ch. (2012). Texto base-texto meta. Un modelo funcional de análisis pretraslativo. Castelló: Universidad Jaume I
San Vicente, F. & Gloria Bazzocchi (eds.) (2021). LETI. Lengua española para traducir e interpretar, Bologna: CLUEB.
Serafini, F. (2012). Questo è il punto. Istruzioni per l'uso della punteggiatura. Bari: Laterza.
Tonin, R. (2011). "La manipolazione testuale in didattica della traduzione: come ‘riscrivere' un video-corso di tapas e imparare a tradurre i culturemi", in: G. Bazzocchi; P.Capanaga; S. Piccioni, Turismo ed enogastronomia tra Italia e Spagna. Linguaggi e territori da esplorare, Milano, FrancoAngeli, pp. 207-220.
Tonin, R. (2016). "Ai confini della traduzione: creatività e competenza (bi/inter)culturale nel viaggio traduttivo tra spagnolo e italiano", in: Promuovere la competenza interculturale nella didattica della traduzione, Bologna, Bononia University Press, pp. 121-137.
Tonin, R. (2017). "La traducción colectiva de un álbum ilustrado como experiencia didáctica: de la propuesta editorial a la publicación italiana de Tu corazón en un cofre", in: AILIJ (Anuario de Investigación en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil), Vigo, Pontevedra, Universidad de Vigo, Facultad de Filología y Traducción, pp. 153 - 170.
Tonin R. (2019) "El viaje entre español e italiano en el aula de traducción: documentarse, gestionar problemas y dominar técnicas de trasvase", AltreModernità, 21:108-123
VV.AA. (2013). Hijos de Babel: reflexiones sobre el oficio de traductor en el siglo XXI. Madrid: Fórcola.

Teaching methods

  • Lessons will be mostly in the form of workshops/seminars.

  • Basically, each new translation task will be divided into three main steps:

    1. Translation against the clock, where solutions will be discussed in real time.
    2. translation (carried out in group or individually, at home or at class, etc.);
    3. and finally, proof reading during the lesson.
  • All students must prepare their version of the translation prior to the lesson. In addition, it is essential to actively contribute to the dialogue with the teacher and the rest of the students and show a collaborative and constructive attitude.
  • In order to prepare for the exam and to understand the teacher's assessment method, the students will submit periodical assignments to the teacher. Mock exams will also be submited. The same assessment method of the exam will be applied to the mock text, in order to clarify the various types of translation error and their weight in the final evaluation.
  • All papers and translations produced during the course should be collected in a final portfolio to be submitted to the teacher by the exam date.

Assessment methods

The final examination is aimed at verifying the learning of the main translation methods. It consists of two translation tests (from Italian into Spanish) The overall mark of the entire course will therefore be calculated on the average of the marks of the two exams.

  • The exam test will verify the acquisition of an independent analytical and translation method, as well as the strategies to be applied to resolve the problems according to their nature, to the indications of the translation task, and to the stylistic and expressive mechanisms in the target language.
  • The exam consists in translating a short text from Italian into Spanish (approximately 400 words), and adding some commentary notes to it. They will highlight the main problems found in the original text, the prevailing communicative function and the main translation techniques adopted.
  • During the exam students will be allowed to use monolingual and bilingual dictionaries and glossaries produced during the course, as well as online resources usually consulted during the course (except for Machine Translation ).
The assessment of the examination is in thirtieths and responds to the achievement of the following learning outcomes:
Learning assessment scale

30-30L: excellent test demonstrating excellent acquisition of the expected knowledge, including related methodological reflections, as well as complete mastery of the target language and full understanding of the source language and culture.

27-29: above average exam, with minor errors or in any case compensated for by more than sufficient demonstration of the knowledge and skills to be acquired.

24-26: fairly good exam, but with some errors indicating a partial acquisition of the knowledge and skills required.

21-23: sufficient proof, with evident limitations in the knowledge and skills to be acquired.

18- 20: the exam meets the minimum criteria of knowledge and skills to be acquired.

< 18: insufficient basic knowledge not achieved, the examination must be repeated.

In addition, the assessment of the individual portfolio or/and the collaborative translation project will be added to the mark for the examination of the Italian translation module for a maximum of 3 points. It must contain all the translations carried out during the course, duly corrected and accompanied by any notes and comments requested by the teacher.

Teaching tools

-Mono and bilingual dictionaries (online and paper version);

- Computers with Internet connection, webcam and microphone and beamer, Microsoft Teams platform;

- Virtuale platform.

Office hours

See the website of Cesar Andres Gonzalez Fernandez