69559 - Translation from French into Italian II (Second Language)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Danio Maldussi
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-LIN/04
  • Language: French
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Course contents

This module (40 hours) aims at training students to deal confidently with texts of several different types from French into Italian and focus on some of the most important notions in translation such as equivalence and functional approaches. Also, the course aims at increasing the students' awareness of the resources available on the web, while assessing the credibility of the author and the reliability of the materials found on the web.

The teacher will propose topics which are particularly relevant for translation purposes such as film ratings, politics, economy, environment, social media, cybercrimes and culture, just to name a few, considered from a contrastive perspective and current hot topics such European solutions to the crisis, discussions at European summits.

Translations will then be analysed and discussed as a whole class activity.

These exercises aims to activate linguistic competence (synonyms and antonyms). This type of exercise is intended to enhance the students' linguistic resources as well as to provide them with useful strategies for translating in order to develop autonomy and professionalism.




Biliographic references required:

J. Delisle, H. Lee-Jahnke, M. C. Cormier, Terminologia della traduzione, (a cura di) M. Ulrych, traduzione di C. Falbo & M. T. Musacchio, Milano, Hoepli, 2002.

M. Grevisse, Le bon usage, Paris-Gembloux, Duculot 1986.

F. Mouillet. Zanetti, M. Carzacchi Fonda, L'acrobatraducteur, Réflexions et exercices grammaticaux pour la traduction italien-français, Niveau avancé, Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2006

S. Nergaard (a cura di), Teorie contemporanee della traduzione, Milano, Bompiani, 1995.

L. Serianni, Grammatica italiana, Torino, UTET, 1988.

P. Scampa, Pour une intra-traduction. Les exercises de style traductologiques http://www.intralinea.org/archive/article/Pour_une_intra-traduction

P. Scavée, P. Intravaia, Traité de stylistique comparée, Bruxelles, Didier, 1979

Support biliographic references:

N. Celotti, Des mots dans tous les sens, Firenze, la Nuova Italia, 1995.

P. Charaudeau, Grammaire du sens et de l'expression, Paris, Hachette, 1992.

M. Hédiard, Langues voisines, langues faciles ?, Roma, Studi Italiani di Linguistica teorica e applicata, XVIII, 1989.

F. Plassard, Lire pour traduire,Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2007.

P. Scampa, Les « non amis » en FLE, Cahiers du R.A.P.T. – L'Harmattan Italia, 2008.


(At the student's choice) an Italian Monolingual Dictionary, a French Monolingual Dictionary and an Italian Synonyms Dictionary.

Teaching methods

Lessons combine different didactic strategies which include sight translation and individual translations carried out as homework. Research of documentation for translational purposes will also be focused upon.

In order to develop translational competence and favour skills and vocabulary upgrading, the lessons will include propedeutic exercises to translation such as reformulation, explication de texte and extraction de notions clés. The students will practice on texts (traduction commentée and traduction à vue),  that will focus mainly on the most important aspects of French and World actuality, taken from Le Nouvel Observateur, Les Echos, Le Courrier International, La Croix and La documentation française.

Lessons include translation and text analysis individual exercises, as well as reflection on individual translations carried out as homework.

The module requires compulsory attendance (70 per cent of the lessons)

As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students must attend the online Modules 1, 2 on Health and Safety [https://www.unibo.it/en/services-and-opportunities/health-and-assistance/health-and-safety/online-course-on-health-and-safety-in-study-and-internship-areas].

Assessment methods

These texts will contain terminology and phraseology already analyzed during the course in order to test the level of understanding of the students. In particular, we will focus on the comprehension of the text which will be regularly checked from a linguistic point of view, also using search engines such as the Centre national de Ressources textuelles et lexicales.

Several texts will be proposed for translation for individual ongoing evaluation (mock exams), usually six.

End of course assessment is by 2 hours written examination (around 280/320 words in length). The examination will take place remotely, given the emergency situation.

Students will be allowed to use the Internet for specific web searches. The use of automatic translation is not permitted. The content of the text will be in relation to the themes seen during the lessons.

The final mark is the average of the marks obtained in the translation exam into French and into Italian.

Exam evaluation scale: the mark is scaled from 30 to 18. depending on the presence of word sense errors, lexical errors, involuted syntax. Assessment criteria are the following: Text comprehension, Syntax, Vocabulary, Expressive output


-Full and informed understanding of the source text

-Very good grasp of syntax

-Precise vocabulary selection

-Fluent expressive output


-Comprehension is substantially correct

-Good grasp of syntax

-Vocabulary selection fully adapted to the context.

-Good expressive output


-1 error of comprehension, comprehension is substantially correct

-Discreet grasp of syntax

-Some vocabulary mistakes

-Discreet expressive output


-Two errors of comprehension

-Sufficient grasp of syntax

-Some vocabulary mistakes tha can compromise comprehension

-Just sufficient expressive output

Negative assessment

-Two or more errors of comprehension

-Involuted syntax

-Elementary spelling mistakes

-Vocabulary mistakes that can have a serious impact on comprehension.

-Insufficient expressive output.

Depending on the difficulty of the text and on the student's ability to reinvest the knowledge acquired during the course, it will be up to the teacher to attribute a variable weight to the various descriptors mentioned above.

Teaching tools

Video projector, PC, overhead projector. Material provided by the instructor. Dictionaries listed in the bibliography.

Students will be allowed to use monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, as well as online dictionaries. Slides will be used in lectures and then subsequently made available via the Moodle e-learning platform (http://moodle.sslmit.unibo.it/course/view.php?id=734), in Power Point format.

Office hours

See the website of Danio Maldussi


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.