69423 - Translation from Italian into French I (Second Language)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Paolo Scampa
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-LIN/04
  • Language: French
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student - knows the basic translation tools (grammars, dictionaries and text corpora) and methods (analysis of the meaning of the source text and its transposition into the target text) - is able to apply them in translating a variety of simple texts from Italian into French - is able to identify and apply the basic translation strategies most appropriate to the communicative/operational functions of the texts to be translated.

Course contents

The learner drafts fluently in the French language knowing how to identify dissimilarities between Italian and French to prevent interference and to exploit with awareness in circumstantial occasions of difficulty the morpho/syntactic/stylistic similarities of French and Italian. He/she knows special lexical areas and is able to apply them in the translation between Italian and French of varied texts as well as to identify and employ translation strategies best suited to the communicative/operational functions of the texts to be translated.


B loch, R. (1988) Les faux amis aux aguets, Bologna, Zanichelli.

Bidaud, F. (2012) Grammaire du français pour italophones, Torino, Utet Università.

Celine, L-F. (1980) Mort à crédit, I & II. Paris, Gallimard.

Grevisse, M. & Goose, A. (1990) Le bon usage, Louvain la Neuve/Paris, Duculot/Hachette.

Mounin, G. (1976) Les problèmes théoriques de la traduction, Paris, Gallimard.

Newmark, P. (1988) La traduzione : problemi e metodi, Milano, Garzanti.

Podeur, J. (1993) La pratica della traduzione : dal francese in italiano, dall'italiano in francese, Napoli, Liguori Ed.

Biblioteche digitali.

ABU : la Bibliothèque Universelle http://abu.cnam.fr/

Gallica Bibliothèque numérique.(Bibliothèque nationale de France) http://gallica.bnf.fr/


Dizionario unilingue : Le Petit Robert

Le trésor de la langue Française (TLF. http://atilf.atilf.fr/)

Dizionario bilingue : Le Robert et Signorelli, dictionnaire français-italien/italien-français, Paris, Le Robert

Dizionario dei sinonimi : Dictionnaire des synonymes, nuances et contraires, Le Robert, «Les Usuels»

Dictionnaire électronique des synonymes (associé au TLF) http://www.crisco.unicaen.fr/des/synonymes/

Banque de dépannage linguistique : http://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ressources/bdl.html

Teaching methods

Alternating between home and classroom translations with discussions during class. The course induces permanent reflection of the contrastive relationships between French and Italian and sets up self-correcting bilingual strategies aimed at preventing interference.

Assessment methods

End-of-module testing mode: Written test of translation of a text of about 250-300 words relevant to the topics tackled during the course.

Teaching tools

Materials provided during lessons.

Office hours

See the website of Paolo Scampa