39166 - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Paediatrics (BO)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Physiotherapy (cod. 8476)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student has the knowledge and ability to understand the patterns of abnormal movements, the neurological motor, functional, and sensory balance, in the main developmental disorders.

Course contents

1) Motor development: the development of the global motor skills (the evolution of the posture, spontaneous motility, pre-locomotives patterns, of the way; the evolution of the understanding and manipulation; the evolution of visual functions, and motor development environmental interaction), neonatal observation with General Movements
2) Childhood Cerebral paralysis: definition of PCI, PCI according to the classification of various AA (Hagberg, Milani Comparetti, Bobath, Bottos, Ferrari); early diagnosis and prediction; main movement patterns, rehabilitation project.
3) neuromuscular diseases: clinical diagnosis and functional evaluation; kinesiology of the way; rehabilitation project.
4) bifid spine: clinical diagnosis, examination and treatment, lesional leves


1) Bobath B, Bobath K (1976): "Lo sviluppo motorio nei diversi tipi di
paralisi cerebrale" Ed. Ghedini
2) Ferrari A, Lodesani M, Muzzini S,: (1993) "Paralisi cerebrali
infantile. Storia naturale e orientamenti riabilitativi" Ed. Del Cerro
3) Ferrari A, Cioni G.: "Le forme spastiche della paralisi cerebrale
infantile" Ed Springer (2005)
4) Ferrari A,: "Malattie neuromuscolari: appunti di clinica e
riabilitazione" Ed Ghedini (1983)
5 Fedrizzi E. : "I disordini dello sviluppo motorio" Ed Piccin (2004)

Teaching methods

Lectures supported by video material

"In consideration of the types of activities and teaching methods adopted, the frequency of this training activity requires all students to carry out modules 1 and 2 in e-learning mode and to participate in a third specific training module on safety and health in the places of study / training. Indications on the dates and methods of attendance of the third module will be communicated to the students by the training centers.

Assessment methods

Oral interview with three questions on the main topics covered

Teaching tools

Slides and video material

Office hours

See the website of Antonella Cersosimo