07654 - Bioethics

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Dental Hygiene (cod. 8481)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the students has sufficient knowledge in order to have a critical and constructive approach towards the fundamental bioethical issues, after having them collocated historically.

Course contents


  • Principles of medical ethics from classical antiquity to middle ages
  • Principles of medical ethics from the beginning of modernity to contemporary age
  • Birth of bioethics and first centers of study
  • Principles of bioethics in monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam
  • Oriental Religions and bioethics


  1. Ethical problems related to the beginning of life
  2. Ethical problems related to the conclusion of life
  3. Ethical problems in Dentistry: the documents of the National Board for Bioethics


  1. R. De Franco, In nome di Ippocrate: dall'"olocausto medico"nazista all'etica della sperimentazione contemporanea, Franco Angeli publisher, Milan 2001;
  2. P.S. Colla, Per la nazione e per la razza: cittadini ed esclusi nel "modello svedese", Carocci, Rome 2000;
  3. S. Marinozzi, Medicina eugenica e Shoah. Ricordare il male e promuovere la bioetica, Università La Sapienza, Rome 2018;
  4. F. Cassata, Molti, sani e forti. L'eugenetica in Italia, Bollati Boringhieri,Turin 2006;
  5. G. Galeotti, Storia dell'aborto, Il Mulino, Bologna 2003;
  6. C. Flamigni, L'aborto, Pendragon, Bologna 2008;
  7. C. Flamigni, Il controllo della fertilità, UTET, Turin 2006;
  8. C. Flamigni, Il secondo libro della sterilità: la fecondazione assistita, UTET, Turin 2008;
  9. D. Atighetchi, D.Milani, A.M.Rabello, Intorno alla vita che nasce. Diritto ebraico, canonico e islamico a confronto, Publisher Giappicchelli, Turin 2013;
  10. D. Atighetschi, Islam, musulmani e bioetica, Armando publisher, Rome 2009;
  11. R. De Mattei, Finis vitae: la morte cerebrale è ancora vita?, Rubettino, Soveria Mannelli 2007;
  12. D.T. Ozar, D.J.Sokol, Bioetica clinica in Odontoiatria, Vita e Pensiero, Milan 2009

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons with the support of PowerPoint slides

Assessment methods

The exam will be oral and it will be on one or more topics covered during the lessons, the level of learning will be verified at the end of the course and will test the student's knowledge of the topics in the program.

Teaching tools

At the end of the course, the students will receive the slides related to the topics covered during the lessons

Office hours

See the website of Mariacristina Di Marco