39246 - Oral Hygiene Techniques in Handicapped Patients

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Dental Hygiene (cod. 8481)

Learning outcomes

In order to be able to treat patients in a personalized way, at the end of the course the student knows, as a whole, the main systemic pathologies or particular physiological conditions that can present manifestations in the oral cavity or that can contribute to aggravating pathologies odontostomatological already present. Drugs that can have side effects in the oral cavity in relation to their use for systemic and non-systemic diseases. In particular, depending on the pathology from which the patient is suffering, the student is able to: - choose the appropriate therapeutic modalities - select suitable tools - plan times and methods for each session - provide the patient with personalized hygiene advice - know everything what not to do In the case of disabled patients with manual difficulties and / or to open the mouth the student is able to: - know the various methods of approach and behavioral strategies - know and know how to use suitable tools for oral hygiene - demonstrate adaptability. Must face all patients with special needs with an adequate human approach, demonstrating particular sensitivity and patience.

Course contents

The most suitable hygienic approach will be evaluated for the different types of patients who have particular needs related to basic pathologies, unfavorable anatomical conditions or the presence of dental arch rehabilitation.


Igiene orale e terapia igienica

libro Checchi Luigi Franchi Marco
edizioni Martina , 1998

Autori :Guastamacchia
Anno Edizione:2001

Imparando dall'esperienza. Testo-atlante di igiene orale. di Antonella Tani Botticelli

Editore Ariminum Odontologica- 2007

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons and internship in the clinical department

Assessment methods

Oral exam

Office hours

See the website of Gerardo Pellegrino