39192 - Human and Oral Anatomy

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Dental Hygiene (cod. 8481)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course of Human Anatomy the student is able to recognize the structures of the stomatognatic apparatus and the morpho-functional organization of the apparatuses and systems of the human body. In particular: In-depth knowledge of the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the buccal cavity, in particular the morpho-functional organization of the periodontal system. Recognizes all the components of the buccal cavity such as walls and attached contents. He knows the organization of the central nervous system with particular reference to the peripheral system aimed at odontostomatological structures. He knows the organization of apparatuses and systems of the human body under a systematic and functional profile.

Course contents

Anatomical generalities: anatomical terminology. Plans and axes of the human body. Locomotor system: Overview of: Vertebral column, rib cage, pelvis, upper limb, lower limb, skull. Generalities on the joints. Muscles: Main muscle groups of trunk and limbs. Cardiovascular system: Heart: macroscopic anatomy, conduction system and coronary arteries. Small and large circulation. Generalities on blood vessels: arteries, capillaries, veins. Course of the artery of the aorta and veins of the cave. Organization of the lymphatic system. Respiratory System: Notes on the nasal cavities - Larynx - Trachea and Bronchi - Lungs and Pleure. Digestive System: Oral Cavity - Stomach - Small Intestine - Liver - Portal Circulation - Pancreas - Large Intestine. Urinary system: General of the kidney - Ureter - Urinary bladder. Central and Peripheral Nervous System: Spinal cord - Encephalic trunk - Cervelletto - Diencephalon - Telencephalon - Meninges - Main sensory and motor pathways. General information on cranial nerves and spinal nerves. Organization of the Autonomous Nervous System. Anatomy of the Stomatognathic Apparatus: Bone of neurocranium and splanchnocranium. Skull fossa. Mandibular Tempura Articulation. Masticating muscles. External carotid artery and its circulation. Jugular veins and venous system of the skull. Oral cavity: walls and its contents. Dental arches and periodontium. External morphology of the teeth and their relationships. Major and minor salivary glands and related lodges. Encephalic nerves: V, VII, IX, X, XII.




ANATOMIA UMANA FONDAMENTI - Barbatelli et al. Edi-Ermes


•ANATOMIA UMANA - Martini/Timmons/Tallisch - EdiSES

•ATLANTE DI ANATOMIA, Odontoiatria e Medicina Tillmann - RC Edizioni Scientifiche

•ATLANTE DI ANATOMIA, Prometheus (Volume Testa-collo) - EdiSeS

Teaching methods

Lectures and practical exercises.

Assessment methods

Oral exam in which the student must demonstrate acquired knowledge of systematic and topographical anatomy.

Teaching tools

For the course, divided into lectures, it is expected to use a personal computer, a video projector. Plastic models of different organs and multimedia devices and CDs are also used.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandra Ruggeri