- Docente: Nadia Lotti
- Credits: 6
- SSD: CHIM/07
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Nadia Lotti (Modulo 1) Nadia Lotti (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Cesena
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Electronics Engineering (cod. 5834)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students have a good knowledge of properties of both chemical element and compounds in relation to their electronic structure and to the nature of chemical bond. In particular, students will be able to evaluate the behavior of elements and compounds empoyed in electronical fields.
Course contents
Atomic structure of matter: atoms, fundamental particles, atomic number, isotopes, atomic mass, mole and molar mass. Nomenclature of compounds.
Electronic structure of atoms and periodicity of atomic properties: the wave nature of matter, wave mechanics, atomic orbitals, quantum numbers, electron configurations of the elements and periodic properties.
Chemical bonds: ionic bonds and structure of ionic crystals. Covalent bond: hybrid orbitals and molecular structure, molecular orbital theory. Covalent crystals. Polarity of molecules. Metallic bond: band theory. Weak interactions.
Semiconductors and isolants: intrinsic semiconductors: electronic current in the conduction band and positive current in the valence band. Temperature effect. Doped semiconductors: p-type doping and n-type doping. Compound semiconductors.
Stoichiometry, chemical reactions and redox.
States of matter: gases, ideal gas law, mixture of gases and real gases. Liquid state: solutions and measures of concentration. Exercises. Solids: kinds of crystals.
Thermochemistry: Hess's Law of heat. Standard reactions enthalpies, enthalpies of formation and combustion.
Chemical kinetics: reaction rate, rate law and activation energy. Catalysts. Living catalysts: enzymes.
Chemical equilibrium: the equilibrium constant, homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria, the responsa of equilibria to changes. Exercises on gas chemical equilibrium: 1) given equilibrium constant, the equilibrium molar composition is determined; 2) given the equilibrium molar composition, the equilibrium constant is calculated.
Ionic equilibria in acqueous solutions. Acids and bases. Definition of pH.
1. R. A. Michelin, A. Munari “Fondamenti di Chimica ” I ed. CEA (MI) (2019).
2. R. A. Michelin, P. Sgarbossa, M. Mozzon, A. Munari “Chimica Test ed esercizi” I ed. CEA (MI) (2018).
Teaching methods
The course includes theory lessons and exercises, the latter concerning stoichiometry, redox reactions and chemical equilibrium, to cite some examples.
Lessons will be delivered in blended mode taking into account the government's indications regarding the COVID-19 emergency
Assessment methods
The assessment method is represented by a written exam. It consists of a number of multiple choice theory quiz (typically 28), theory questions and exercises (usually 4), these latter regarding arguments treated in classroom exercises.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 health emergency, it is not yet known whether the tests will be conducted online or face-to-face. We will follow the instructions coming from the University of Bologna.
Teaching tools
Blackboard and chalk; videoprojector, PC, . Copies of the teaching material are available for students on https://virtuale.unibo.it/.
Office hours
See the website of Nadia Lotti
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.