Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop, the student: - knows how to apply what was covered in the integrated course within a simulated learning environment; - knows how to reflect critically in a group on the topics proposed.

Course contents

Competences to be achieved

Teaching and educational skills applied to class heterogeneity with particular attention to intervention with children on the autistic spectrum in pre-school and primary school.


The functioning of the autistic mind: characteristics and observable behaviours
The construction of the student's functioning profile and the choice of priority objectives
Planning interventions at school based on the principles of structured education (organisation of space-time-communication-materials) and on the principles of Universal Design for Learning.
Awareness-raising activities to promote inclusion in the classroom.


G. Vivanti, E. Salomone. (2016). L’apprendimento nell’autismo. Dalle nuove conoscenze scientifiche alle strategie di intervento. Trento: Erickson

L. Cottini. (2017). L’autismo a scuola. Quattro parole chiave per l’integrazione. Roma: Carocci

L. Cottini. (2002), Autismo infantile: strategie di intervento. Roma: Carocci

C. Gray. (2000). Il libro delle storie sociali. Brescia: Vannini

W. Murawski, K. Scott. (2021). Universal Design for Learning in pratica. Strategie efficaci per l’apprendimento inclusivo. Trento: Ed. Erickson

Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca. Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per l’Emilia Romagna- Direzione Generale – Allegato alla nota prot. 431 del 16/1/2014.

Materiali per la formazione dei docenti in tema di autismo. Nota sull’insegnamento strutturato. [http://archivi.istruzioneer.it/emr/istruzioneer.it/2014/01/16/materiali-per-la-formazione-dei-docenti-in-tema-di-autismo-nota-sullinsegnamento-strutturato/index.html]

M. Arduino (2008). Facilitare la comunicazione nell’autismo. In “Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo”, vol.6, n.2.maggio 2008, pp.213-228

M. Seira Ozino, P. Berra (2020). Dal grafismo alla scrittura: la lunga strada di una bambina con autismo nel mondo dei segni. In “Autismo e disturbi dello sviluppo”, vol. 18, n.2, giugno 2020, pp.183-200. Trento: Erickson

Teaching methods

The meetings will be face-to-face and workshop-based; films and teaching materials will be analysed as a stimulus for discussion; individual tasks and reflections in large groups will be proposed.

Assessment methods

The evaluation will cover:

active participation
the production (individual or group) of the required products
the reference to bibliographical sources
the ability to link content to personal experience.

Each workshop, in addition to active participation, involves the production of a 'workshop product' defined by the teacher (report, teaching project, etc.).

The evaluation of each workshop, irrespective of its duration, involves four assessments:

REJECTED: workshop to be re-taken;




The evaluation will be made known by the lecturers via the lecturer web page and will contribute, taking into account the average mark for the various teaching modules, to defining the final mark for the exam. This evaluation will remain valid until the final grade is recorded.

Teaching tools

Projector, PC, paper and markers, smatphone.

Office hours

See the website of Maria Seira Ozino


Quality education Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.