- Docente: Valeria Friso
- Credits: 3
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
Expert in Social and Cultural Education (cod. 5726)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert Social And Cultural Education (cod. 8776)
First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert Social And Cultural Education (cod. 8776)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop the student: - is able to move independently in applying the specific techniques learnt or within projects organised by the institutions; - is able to confront with other subjects on the methods of use and documentation of the techniques learnt; - is able to place the specific knowledge learnt in different types of service; - is able to evaluate the limits and merits of the technical instruments learnt; - is able to transfer the technologies learnt in different contexts making personal modifications and integrations.
Course contents
The workshop focuses on inclusive processes addressed to adults with disabilities in a logic of co-construction of life projects.
The contents that will be addressed with active teaching methods will be:
- Life project and its possible configurations for adults with disabilities
- National legislation on employment of people with disabilities
- The territorial network: actors and connections
- Autonomy and independent living starting from the ICF approach (WHO, 2001)
At the end of the workshop the student will be able to
- continue/start a reflection work on meanings, approaches, methodologies, tools useful to promote social inclusion interventions from a Life Project perspective
- identify/implement actions in support of the social network for co-project purposes
- name the working processes and methodological premises, to develop dialogue processes with families/territories/local authorities, to participate proactively in the work of multidisciplinary teams
The texts that will serve as a theoretical reference for the topics covered in the workshop are, in particular:
Friso Valeria; Ciani Andrea, Includere e progettare. Figure professionali a sostegno della disabilità adulta, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2020.
Lepri Carlo, Diventare grandi. La condizione adulta delle persone con disabilità intellettiva, Trento, Erickson, 2020.
Friso Valeria, Disabilità, rappresentazioni sociali e inserimento lavorativo. Percorsi identitari, nuove progettualità, Milano, Guerini e Associati, 2017.
Other texts on the topic:
Lepri Carlo (2016). La persona al centro. Autodeterminazione, autonomia, adultità per le persone disabili. Milano, Franco Angeli
Montobbio Enrico, Lepri Carlo (2000), Chi sarei se potessi essere. La condizione adulta del disabile mentale. Pisa, Edizioni del Cerro
Montobbio Enrico, Navone Anna M. (2003). Prova in altro modo. L'inserimento lavorativo socio assistenziale di persone con disabilità marcata. Pisa, Edizioni del Cerro
Paolini Mario (2009). Chi sei tu per me? Persone con disabilità e operatori nel quotidiano. Trento, Erickson
Further information will be provided during the workshop
Teaching methods
The activities will be proposed through a structured sequence of analogical and metaphorical actions ensuring a protected environment where it is possible to make mistakes, try and try again, test oneself, learn from successes and mistakes.
It will provide an environment for planned learning that enables one to become more effective in doing one's job.
Assessment methods
The following will be assessed during the course of the course: punctuality (with regard to participation in the workshop and the presentation of the work/exercises), the degree of interaction, ownership of the language, accuracy of expression.
Formative assessment (of exercises, individual reports, presentation of group work, etc.), carried out together with the student, will make it possible to understand the knowledge and skills he/she has achieved.
Teaching tools
audiovisual, platform or other IT tool for sharing materials
Office hours
See the website of Valeria Friso
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.